FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds ‘names’ Hastert, other Congressmen, Bush Officials in sale of nuclear secrets

(Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and Dennis Hastert)

From: Sibel Speaks Part II: Naming Names… as published on at-Largely
by Larisa Alexandrovna

I have decided that after years of not getting anyone to publish what I have found out about the Edmonds case, I am simply going to give you folks some names. I won’t explain what the allegations are, or how these people might fit together or even if they fit together. I also don’t claim to have all the names or know the full story by any means. But I am certain, that brilliant bloggers, researchers, and journalists will finally figure it out:

Richard Perle
Doug Feith
Eric Edelman
Marc Grossman
Larry Franklin
Dennis Hastert
Roy Blunt
Dan Burton
Tom Lantos
Bob Livingston
Stephen Solarz
Graham Fuller
David Makovsky
Alan Markovsky
Enver Yusuf
Sabri Sayari
Mehmet Eymur

And a few phrases for you folks to play around with (in no particular order):
Gray Wolves
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
RAND Corporation
East Turkmenistan
Foreign Policy
King Faisal

Now start digging kids!!

And from Sibel Edmonds' personal website, here is: Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery which includes many of the names listed above.

And this blogger puts the names with the photos:

Let Sibel Edmonds Speak