[Video] Impeachment Activists Confront Rep. Waxman

“Waxman attended a town hall meeting at the Westside Pavilion Landmark Theater building in Santa Monica, CA, where he spoke to over one hundred attendees, then answered questions.

Peter Thottam – bcimpeach.com – passionately denounced Rep. Waxman’s excuses for not impeaching the Bush Administration.

During the question and answer period, Rep. Waxman is bombarded with question after question concerning Sibel Edmonds (the gagged FBI Whistleblower) and other issues related to the treasonous crimes of 9/11.



  1. In exchange for votes supporting the war, those members have received sexual services,bribes, and money.

  2. Congress is scared. They have engaged in corruption and crimes. They do not want to go to prison. Bush knows all the corrupt things that this congress and senate has engaged in and will expose it if they push impeachment. Congress is serving and protecting Congress.

  3. Bottom line: There is a line that NO ONE in Congress, the House or the Senate will cross, period.

    P.S. Sibel Edmonds linked the money trail between Bin Laden, bush, etal, and it is sure to be hugely embarrassing, if not completly rotten.

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