This was an email sent by Chief of Staff for Rep. Robert Wexler to a friend of Impeach for Peace:
![]() Congressman Wexler will present the signatures he got on the floor of the house Tuesday night and make the case for hearings. It will be on C-Span and we will post the video as well as email the video to the near 200,000 on our list. He will also mention by name other groups that have collected signatures and how many they have, including | has almost 1,000,0000 signatures
We need more in congress to help Wexler. It is not fair for Kucinich and Wexler to do all the work.
Wow, this is great! Free HBO!
What a pathetic group. This county lost more men in a training exercise for D-Day than in a year of Iraq, we lost more than in taking Iraq and Afghanistan than we did in a single afternoon in a place called Gettysburg, and for far less results.
No question about it, it is a damn good thing we now have nukes and mutually assured destruction, for this country no longer appears to have the citizenry capable of the burdens of a real war any more. No doubt you try and claim that “you support the troops,” but would be as meaningful as saying you support database designers, but want me to stay home and not do what I was trained to do.
Where was this group during the Bosnia conflict? Or when we fearlessly invade Haiti? Or for that matter, when Clinton murdered those innocent Iraqi’s on his watch? Hypocrites one and all.
they both should have been hauled before a court on human rights violations, treason, usurping the Constitution and GENOCIDE -as a favor to Israel-those pesky Arabs only get in the way of expansion and plundering;
Telling the truth = calling a spade a spade is NOT anti semetic- it may make some people VERY uncomfortable to hear it, but TRUTH is never anti semetic, it cannot possibly be.
Capitol punishment is clearly the only path.
Literally ‘tricking’ our boys over to Iraq by knowingly lying, to them.
Had our brave and loyal Troops known they were being lied to, had they known the real truth -few if any would have gone-and would have spent this Holiday with their families.
Where I come from we call that MURDER………. 5,000 of our boys, 100,000 innocent Iraqis
The Democrats are no longer the lesser of two evils-they are now part and parcel.
They are now so clueless they want to look the other way as two pathological liars and killers go about their daily business-it is really too bad that they cannot rent some Testoterone.
Afraid to Impeach Bush
Voting to allow a return to McCarthyism- or even a Police state;
I had to laugh when I wrote my Rep, Maria Cantwell (D-WA)(cant think too well?)
asking her to vote NO on SB 1959-the so-called ‘Domestic terror encouragement bill’
You can see where this dangerous nonsense is leading.
Her rather lukewarm, scripted response was “We have to be on the lookout for “terrorists”
but will ensure there are constitutional safeguards in place.
Im sorry, but playing stupid doesnt cut it with me
what laws or safeguards could they possibly pass that Bush hasnt already gleefully broken while they look the other way?
Who are they kidding? The Democrats are no longer on our side, save the few with some guts
A Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich ticket would be thrilling, but I suspect higher ups in the Democratic and Republican parties would MAKE CERTAIN that would not be allowed to come to pass.
I was a solid Democrat. After witnessing their spinelessness in Congress-no more am I.
I am Canadian and French and I vote to impeach Cheney. The USA is a scary place to know and a hell of a place to keep away from in these times of the War on Peace by the “lawful” government’s War on Terror. The government of the USA has used one act of terrorism as an excuse to institute the Patriot Act to subvert the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. America take back your rights or prepare for Slavery 2.0. It’s all ready happening.
Yes Virginia I think it would be a great idea to have an “international” petition. I’d certainly sign up. (Canada)
GO GO GO!!! About time some real American patriots with balls showed up to clean this horrid mess that we are still referring to as a “government”. Kucinich for 2008!!!
I am SO excited. About bloody time. I wish we could hit that 1/4 million mark. I keep asking everyone I know to just find one other person who can sign.
And it’s too bad only US citizens can sign that impeachment petition, too.
Perhaps someone else can help me get up a petition that takes EVERYONE from around the planet who want to see the end of torture, rendition, using nuclear threats, etc to sign a supporting petition?
If I make one up on the petition site, would someone here help me get it circulated?
We need impeachment, but lots of this is about war crimes – WHICH they try to gloss over with ridiculous euphemisms (rendition instead of kidnap, enhanced interrogation instead of TORTURE) and the rest of the world does now about WAR CRIMES. But to address the issue, we need to use impeachment INSIDE the US to pave the way.
The rest of the planet wants to see this war criminals brought to justice and only impeachment will give us the legal authority to use subpoenas with strong enough teeth to extract the evidence properly.
I think handing in such a petition, with lots of names on it should be presented to CONgress!!
Any takes in helping me?? It will create a very good healthy cooperation model. We can get our global friends to help.
My blog (with an impeachment toolkit – just stick impeachment into the toolbox!) is and all takers are SO invited!
[email protected]
WooooHOOOO… it Tues yet?
About damn time! Kick some ass Wexler!