Call Conyers Today and Tomorrow to Impeach Cheney
by David Swanson

Congressman Conyers Is Waiting for a Push to Start Impeachment Hearings Call: 202-225-5126. Email him from

On Thursday, Chairman John Conyers’ House Judiciary Committee held a hearing at which Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that he would not investigate torture or warrantless spying, he would not enforce contempt citations, and he would treat Justice Department opinions as providing immunity for crimes.

None of this was new, but perhaps it touched something in Conyers that had not been touched before. Following the hearing, he and two staffers met for over an hour with two members of Code Pink and discussed activism and impeachment, including Congressman Robert Wexler’s proposal to begin impeachment hearings on Cheney.

Conyers expressed his concerns about what might happen following an impeachment, the danger of installing a Bush replacement or losing an election. He cited potential ramifications that have not yet been examined that could have the opposite effect. Conyers told Ellen Taylor and Manijeh Saba that you need to be more than brave and courageous, you need to be smart.

Help us let Conyers know that the smart thing right now would be bravery and courage.

The Chairman told Taylor and Saba that he has been listening to several advocates for impeachment, including Liz Holtzman and David Swanson. He hinted he could be swayed by a convincing argument, leaning out of his chair for dramatic effect.

We want to continue the dialogue with Congressman Conyers. On Rosa Parks’ birthday last week, Leslie Angeline began a fast for impeachment. Taylor and over 20 other activists have joined the fast [ ]. Conyers has agreed to meet with Leslie to discuss impeachment on Tuesday.

Lend your voices to the conversation and make phone calls, send faxes and Email Congressman Conyers on Monday and Tuesday. Let the Chairman know that only impeachment hearings:

1-will reach a broad TV audience
2-will force compliance with subpoenas by eliminating “executive privilege”
3-will hold brazen criminals accountable
4-will convince citizens that Congress cares about upholding the Constitution.

Call: 202-225-5126
Fax: 202-225-0072
Email: [email protected]



  1. What are you waiting for? I agree, Ron Paul is the greatest canidate I have ever seen (I’m 40) but why would he not go after these crimianls and call them out under impeachment? We have very little time. Bush is passing more illegal laws giving himself immunity for his multitude of crimes. We must impeach NOW!

  2. If Ron Paul cares so much about the Constitution, why doesn’t he speak out and demand the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney!

  3. Considering the serious multiple crimes committed by this lawless administration, and considering the fact that this country has lost the respect of other nations; the only response can be impeachment. While there are those who would worry about a negative outcome for the Democrats on the POTUS elections; the ramifications of allowing these heinous crimes to remain unpunished–is far worse. We cannot claim the mantle of a constitutional republic which values the rule of law when we allow our public servants to trample both civil and ethical law. If the controlling democrats fail to hold our government officials accountable, then they DESERVE to lose. The American people are demanding a full restoration of all rights previously guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and a speedy impeachment of Mr. Cheney first, followed by Bush. To do otherwise, will result in the permanent demise of the Democratic party as political retaliation. If you fail to do your CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED DUTY; then neither Obama or Clinton will win, as many Democrats such as myself will purposely vote for McCain just to punish the Democrats. This is not a request; IT’S A DEMAND FOR RESTORATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RULE.

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