Congressman Pete Stark from California is polling the public on his website about whether Congress should impeach President Bush. Go here to let him know your thoughts!
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Congressman Pete Stark from California is polling the public on his website about whether Congress should impeach President Bush. Go here to let him know your thoughts!
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I’ve been asking someone to impeach this corrupt, criminal enterprise since their first administration and I am appalled that the Democratic leadership has not already started the process.
I don’t even understand why there is a question about it.
The Constitution says ‘shall’, not ‘might, as if Congress had a choice. The White House HAS committed high crimes and misdemeanors, they SHALL be impeached. All Impeach means is to investigate. Why so afraid? Has BushCo got something on everybody in Congress? Lord knows they’re been trying overtime to get something on every one of the rest of us.
Congressman, we are not ALL stupid. BushCo has committed crimes. Congress has aided and abetted them. If you ever expect the public to take you and this so-called government seriously again, you’d better get on with it.
Of course Bush should be impeached for the literally millions of US felonies committed by him and his regime not to mention the crimes against international law, the UN Charter and humanity in general. He has violated the core of the constitution and corrupted democracy from the inside out worldwide with his, as Ledeen calls them, “universal fascist” pals. Oh and did I mention obvious election theft or obstruction of justice on the 9/11 investigation? Time for those of you in Congress to come clean. You must face the fact that you have a lower approval rating than Bush precisely because you have not impeached him or stood up to him in any meaningful way. We can see where scum like Steny Hoyer, congressman from AIPAC (BTW what ever happened to the trial of the AIPAC spies?), stand and the real question on people’s minds is this: are large numbers of the US Congress including the Democratic Leadership in on the conversion of the US to a fascist empire, the invasion of countries for their resources, etc. or are they just cowards afraid of anthrax and death threats against them and their families by fascists? Which is it? And no we don’t by honest differences of opinions or disagreement on strategy blah blah blah so don’t even try. In honor of Tom Lantos go read Naomi Wolf’s The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. We love it when a former Clinton campaign advisor and Rhodes scholar does the research and the research convinces her that she is wrong and the people are right, that impeachment is not enough, that there must be charges, trials, convictions, and prison sentences or they will be back. Remember that FDR let Prescott Bush et al. live after The Business Plot to overthrow the US government and institute Fascism in America was exposed by General Smedly Butler and we are still paying for that deal with the devil partly financed by the same man who financed Hitler (and wrote a book after he did his Nuremberg sentence titled unambiguously I Bankrolled Hitler…he also bankrolled Union Bank and The Liberty League for Bush). Remember that Ford pardoned Nixon and we got his henchmen Rumsfeld and Cheney back again. These people must be put down or they will be back. Is Congress in on it or just lacking the guts? Enquiring minds want to know.
Impeach Pelosi and Reid first.They are co-conspirators with bush and cheney.
Just want you to know, Congressman, that SOME of us support you – and all who oppose you are obviously fascist traitors to the Constitution and People of the United States of America!
Impeached? Uh, yeah, like a thousand times over. This “administration” was illegal from the get-go, my friends. They stole the election via harassment of the Florida recount participants, and through the nonsensical legal fiat of the Supreme Court. At the swearing in, Bush swore on that Bible he so claims to revere, and then promptly claimed that the Constitution is just a piece of paper, and his aparatchicks have since hammered away assiduously at that piece of paper through a variety of unscupulous means.
The Bush administration began spying on the American people PRIOR to 9/11, and yet later justified the pre-9-11 spying on the premise that we’re now living in a post-9/11 world. The Bush administration’s neocon acolytes drafted the Unpatriot Act PRIOR to 9/11, and then slammed it down the throats of the Congress, who had NO time to read its 342 pages prior to having to vote on it. As John Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute says, The Patriot Act “redefines terrorism so broadly that many non-terrorist political activities such as protest marches or demonstrations and civil disobedience can be considered a terrorist act; grants the FBI the right to come to your place of employment, demand your personal records and question your supervisors and fellow employees, all without notifying you; allows the government access to your medical records, school records and practically every personal record about you; allows the government to secretly demand to see records of books or magazines you’ve checked out in any public library and Internet sites you’ve visited (at least 545 libraries received such demands in the first year following passage of the Patriot Act); and most egregious of all, it allows the FBI to enter your home through the use of a special warrant, search your personal effects and confiscate your personal property without informing you that they have done so.” This amounts to violations of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Amendments, and possibly the 13th and 14th, as well.
Bush and Cheney’s shadowy black ops people have undoubtedly threatened the most powerful Democrats in Congress not to vote against Bush’s odious initiatives, not to mention the curious nature of the U.S. Army-produced anthrax strain being sent to prominent Democrats and a news station soon after 9/11. The guys in the White House are fascists in right-wing Republican clothing who don’t make a move unless what’s involved is a lie, stealing and laundering money from U.S. taxpayers, obstruction of justice, “disappearing” emails and other documents, torturing and killing innocent people, jailing peaceful U.S protesters, and otherwise threatening and slandering anyone who would speak up against their atrocities.
If that’s not enough to impeach, I need to finish filling out my Visa request to New Zealand.
Any elected representative who supported the invasion of Iraq based on the flimsy evidence and tenuous reasoning that was available at the time should be removed from office by the voters in the next election.
Any elected official who commits a high crime or misdemeanor “shall” (the word used in the Constitution) be impeached.
Anyone who wants the occupation of Iraq to continue indefinitely is unfit for public office.
What exactly would ‘victory’ in Iraq look like to you? When will we know that we have ‘won’?
Criticism of a President comes with the territory. This isn’t your usual criticism. This is sounding an alarm about a completely lawless, out-of-control Executive Branch that listens to no-one and submits to no authority – Congress, the courts, subpoenas, the American people, our allies – nobody.
All Democrats and Republicans who voted for, or otherwise encouraged, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein (during the Clinton and/or Bush terms) and are now criticizing President Bush, purely for political purposes, should be impeached. Let’s start with Pete Stark and work our way down the list. In my opinion anyone who wants the U.S. to surrender is unfit for public office. They know that surrender now will surely encourage the jihadists for many years to come but they are willing to do so to make political gain at the expense of our children and grandchildren.