[Video] NH: Impeach Bush Rally/Hearing

“Sponsor: http://HomeLandStupidity.US – No prompting is needed to place liberty activists and liberals on the same side, and in the same rally…when its goal is the impeachment of the current anti-Constitutional president. What did prompt this event was a bill at the New Hampshire State House which, if passed, would call for the impeachment of Mr. Bush. This was a liberal-led event but I counted at least six libertarian activists in the audience. Note the Ron Paul supporters in attendence…”

Sponsor: http://PledgeBank.com/Next1000 – The sights and sounds from Feb. 19’s impeachment rally in Concord, New Hampshire. What prompted this event? A bill at the New Hampshire State House which, if passed, would officially call on Congress to impeach Mr. Bush.
The Bill’s Democrat sponsor, Betty Hall, received a “D” from the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance in 2007.