Impeach or Else Rally
Monday, March 17th, 2008
St Paul Capitol Building
It is now undeniable that the Federal Government has failed us completely. We have asked our representatives to hold the Bush Administration accountable. Instead, they have blocked the Impeachment movement all over our country.
As we approach the anniversary of the illegal Iraq invasion, we have not given up on the idea of holding the criminals in the Bush Administration or those who enable them accountable. There is something that you can do. It is now time for Plan B.
Impeach for Peace researched a method for impeaching the President or Vice President using a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives (“Jefferson’s Manual”). This document actually empowers individual states to initiate the impeachment process. All that’s required is that the MN House and Senate pass an impeachment resolution.
So spread the word, tell your friends, your family, your coworkers, your allies. We will hold a rally Monday, March 17th, on the steps of the Capitol Building in St Paul. When we are finished with the rally, we will storm the Capitol Building. We shall demand that the Minnesota House and Senate immediately pass a resolution calling for the Impeachment of George W Bush and Dick Cheney (Contact them yourself Now and demand Impeachment!). Our message will be clear to those inside. If you, as a representative do not support this and treat it with all the urgency it deserves, then you will face opposition in the next election cycle. The message that you will face will be simple, direct and clear. It will be that you refused to honor your Oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution from All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic. That instead you, by your refusal to start impeachment actually defend the criminals in the Bush Administration and continue the illegal occupation in Iraq.
We will actively work against your reelection to the MN State Legislature, regardless of your party affiliation. We will make this very personal. This is how we will ensure that you listen to the demands of We the People, instead of the lobbyists who fund your campaigns. Oh and before you try and give us excuses, we have done our homework. We already know that according to the Constitution, an impeachment resolution is virtually the only thing that the Governor is unable to veto.
We can do this, we must do this. The future of our children and our democratic republic depends on it. What we need is YOU showing up and demanding accountability. Let us know if you’re planning on coming.
For more information:
Contact Mike
Protest Organizer
Impeach for Peace
(612) 327-6902
What were you doing that day, Lex?
So apparently a handful of people showered up on March 17. Hard to storm the capital with what, 10, 20 people? Shows how hopeless this cause is.
Mark Logan,
I wasn’t able to make it, but representatives from our organization were able to meet with a number in members of the Minnesota legislature. They almost all were in favor of an impeachment resolution, saying that they would vote for it but not introduce it.
This is why I where a political button now that says:
But I am not sure that the end result will be any different at this point.
Can’t you 19%er trolls deal with a single issue?
Can’t you think a single individual thought?
Pick a topic… ANY topic having to do with the major issues this country is dealing with and debate it. I dare you.
Anything at all?
The job at the chocolate factory doesn’t seem to be working out, Peachie. Plan D: Change the subject.
Check out Rev. Robertson who called for a war crime – the assassination of a freely elected foreign leader – Hugo Chavez.
Not one word of condemnation from all the hypocrites who are now calling for Obama’s head even though Obama has condemned Rev. Wright’s inflammatory comments.
“Rev. Wright is much more titillating.”
Mr. Logan, The Rev. Wright is so “yesterday’s news”. You need to check out Rev. Manning. Only ATLAH can save the Democratic Party’s soul and Hillary…that is if you believe either one has a soul.
Sorry about your failed putsch Mikael. The good news is you still have 10 months left to nail that Chimpy Bushitler.
So much for Plan B. Time to move on to Plan C: Lucy and Ethel (aka Messrs. Rudolph and Morin) get a job at the chocolate factory!
No, Mikael, not biased. It’s just that no heads got cracked, so it’s not salacious enough for airtime. Rev. Wright is much more titillating. And far more relevant to the country than the non-bloodshed in Iraq. Hell, who cares if we’re fostering democracy in the middle east – we should have just left them alone to kill each other in peace, so that we could’ve gotten down to deciding this seasons winner of American Idol.
So tell us – how’d the protest go for you guys? Did you scream yourselves hoarse by literally shouting at City Hall? Got any pictures?
There was a rally and march down Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis to protest the 5th year of the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq this past Saturday.
Thousands marched.
Not one picture in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Not a single mention. Not a word.
There’s your alleged liberal media bias.
Don’t you realize why the protest wasn’t covered in the news? Right Wing bias, of course. The Reich-Wingers in the corporate press corps won’t allow this awe-inspiring show of disapproval for the illegitimate Bush Presidency. Or were they protesting the war? Or was it recruitment? Or maybe illegal wiretapping. Or global warming. I can never keep them straight….
-Marky Marx
Sorry about the link; this is what it says:
St. Paul / Man defecates in downtown state offices
Pioneer Press
Article Last Updated: 03/17/2008 11:32:31 PM CDT
A man got into the Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management office in downtown St. Paul last week and defecated in several rooms, police said Monday.
The incident happened about 1:30 p.m. Friday in a basement office area of 444 Cedar St., according to a police report. The man went in through an emergency exit door that hadn’t been secured properly, said Tom Walsh, St. Paul police spokesman.
A contractor working for building management walked out and didn’t properly secure the door behind him, said Susan Lasley, Minnesota Department of Public Safety spokeswoman.
Based on a description of the suspect, Walsh said he appeared to be homeless.
The man had left on foot before an officer arrived, the police report said.
— Mara H. Gottfried
I couldn’t find anything, either. This is the closest thing I could find to someone in St. Paul, MN expressing their opinion of the government:
What’s the word on the big rally at the state house? I’ve looked at every Minneapolis/St Paul news outlet I could find, but none of the newspapers or TV stations had any coverage of it.
Anything at all to contribute to the public discourse Chubby?
Anything at all?
Mikael sez:
“I know thinking is hard work, but give it a try, will you?”
Wesley will give it a shot. Speaking of hard work, how did the BIG STORMING go?
Did you show the “fascists” how sincere you were?
Your myopic view of those who protest completely misses the point. If President Obama or Clinton or McCain have not ENDED the occupation of Iraq by March of 2009 there will be protests all over the world. Would you like to bet?
Have you not noticed the growing protests and dissatisfaction with Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Dean and the other Democratic Party ‘leadership’ that has opposed impeachment?
You really don’t get it, do you? Your overly simplistic world view sees only black and white while in fact the world exists in all shades of gray as well as a full spectrum of colors. I know thinking is hard work, but give it a try, will you?
What will these poor liberals do if either the socialist Obama or Hillary are elected? For we know nothing will ever be protested then.
Happy Storming!
Good luck!
Be safe. Wear your stahlhelm.
Impeach Impeach Ãœber Alles!
Ãœber Alles in der Welt!
hi mike
just wanted to say great job on ur work fixing our countrie! bush is the worst president we’ve ever had he needs to go pronto. im so tired of all the lies and more lies and the peeple who died becuz of those lies. bush has killed over 1 million iraki children for lies there where no wmds. my english teacher tells us everyday how we need to take over the country back from bush and his evil sidekicks. she is right and i wanna be apart of the new world and maek the change to get it their. even tho im only 16 i undertsand the problems and challenges my generation faces so thx for makeing a website to help get it started for me and everyone else. wut can I do to help?
hope and change!!!!!!!!!!
sugar snap grrl
p.s. i kinda look up to you and i have this intreview project could i interview you? its due in like a month.
Is it so hard for you to comment on the actual thread instead of continuing with this inanity?
Do you have anything to say at all?
Anything of substance?
The Mime sayeth:
“And I would want to read about the drug-addled, blowhard, thrice divorced “family values” bombast who has a penchant for vacationing in nations where sex with minors is legal exactly why?”
Because you did, loved it, and read it again and again.
Plus, you believed it. It is a matter of faith for you.
You can’t choose.
Obama or Clinton?
Barack or Hillary?
Communist or Socialist?
And I would want to read about the drug-addled, blowhard, thrice divorced “family values” bombast who has a penchant for vacationing in nations where sex with minors is legal exactly why?
Pay attention Mikael or don’t you have enough spare CHANGE in your pockets?
The poster named MARK asked a question and I provided a link that goes way deeper than his Tom Flocco suggestion. (No link provided)
Didn’t bother to check, did you? Here I am presenting the obvious and it just flew right over your head.
Quoteth the Mimestral:
“Is it like the Republicans who are constantly gay-bashing until they are caught with their pants down in an airport bathroom stall?”
Here’s another freebie:
It isn’t that you don’t have things to share, it is just that half the time you ramble on nonsensically about Communism or in convoluted patterns of conspiracy theories, CIA, FBI, HBO, Hillary, or whatever….
It is impossible to follow your train of thought.
Exactly what does Ted Gunderson have to do with this thread? And why are you so fixated on conspiracy theories and theorists and Communism? Is it like the Republicans who are constantly gay-bashing until they are caught with their pants down in an airport bathroom stall?
Methinks the gentleman dost protest too much.
Sorry Mikael….I just assumed you knew Ted personally.
Here, this HBO is on the house for you and MARK.
One more inane, non-sensical rant from Chubby.
Do you really expect anyone to have a clue what you are trying to communicate?
I do not know how reliable Tom Flocco is. Anyone know if he is reliable?
Try Ted Gunderson, retired FBI….ohhh…better yet, The Washington Times who broke the story in 1989. Don’t believe it’s bi-partisan in any way. Only Republicans are capable of such crimes. Democrats have angel wings.
Wait..Mikael said The Washington Times is not to be quoted as a reliable source and of course why would you trust the FBI?
Gunderson believes it’s a CIA plot. Well, if it’s a CIA plot then it must be OK because Valerie Plame worked for the CIA.
Makes total sense, doesn’t it?
Washington—October 5, 2006——A retired intelligence agency official corroborated the revelations of a national security expert that male and female heterosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and underage children provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts, top military officers and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington, DC hotels since 2000.
The long-time intelligence insider with multiple Capitol Hill sources told that convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff operated the sex / spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC. “The whole Republican Party was for sale—the House, Senate and the White House,†said the well-respected federal insider with impeccable and historic intelligence credentials who declined to be named at this time but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to a grand jury probing the GOP lobbyist’s sale of sex in return for legislative influence over taxpayer dollars.
I do not know how reliable Tom Flocco is. Anyone know if he is reliable?
All hail Sweden!
When President-Commandante Obama is elected, Valerie Plame will get The Medal of Freedom!
Death to the 19%ers!
No…wait, something is clouding my crystal ball…I see…I see “Blame McCain!”…lots of balding greasy gray haired ponytailed 1960’s leftover radicals and their sagging boobied sisters of Code Pink moaning and groaning and still throwing hissy fits in 2009.
Good news Comrades. Impeach for Peace will still be open next year!
Got Faint?
Mikeal write in 14:
“The American people are dumb, but we aren’t stupid. ”
What is word for statement that contradicts itself? Oxymoronic, I think?
You are very odd revolucionary, comrade Mikael. You say things that make no sense. You type and cut-paste a lot of things. And yet … you say nothing.
I phase statement this way:
“The American people are dumb, and they are very stupid.” This is due to the success we, in the revolucionary movement, have had in taking control of school systems in American. I admit, when KGB told us of this plan to take over american schools I was very not hopeful. But in end, they were correct. Sadly, the grate KGB and the beautiful Soviet Union are gone.
To Counter-Revolucionary Chubby Huggs.
El Comandante is giantly pleaesd that Obama listen well to the revolucionary message that was taught to him. But, he cannot create the glory that to be called the United Socialist States of America. Only armed struggle from peoples uprising. Comrade Mikael seems to understand that this is only way. Our brothers in arms, Al Qaeda, will lead the second americna revolucion. But running dog capitalist like bush are in power and are strong and powerful opponent. For armed revolt to take hold, comrade Mikael is correct, bush must be vilified as a criminal and removed from power. I would say to add, with using force.
Viva la Revolucion de Socialism!
There are only two political parties: the establishment and the movement. Eventually the movement wins and becomes the establishment and the cycle starts over again.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely – so those in power are eventually corrupted to the degree to which they illegally and immorally expand their personal and political powers – serving themselves rather than their constituency. The type of system means far less than the degree to which those in leadership positions serve themselves and their cronies rather than their constituents.
Capitalism (and that is the driving principle of our system, not Democracy) without oversight, checks or balances, with a single leader, party or corporate group in control is every bit as destructive as Communism, Socialism or any other system when they morph into a dictatorship or oligarchy. Socialism in Sweden is imperfect but works just fine. Socialism in Russia did not because a single, corrupt party took control to the detriment of the people. We are slowly emerging here in the U.S. from an era during which a single corrupt party/corporate group had control. Arrogance, graft, greed and hubris has it rotting from the inside and it is properly being dismantled from the outside.
America is great and has been great, not because Capitalism is great, but because our political system has built into it ways by which the people can reject leaders and systems that are damaging to the nation’s best interests. This nation has been sliding into an ‘oil-a-garchy’ with petroleum reps Bush and Cheney running the show and the Corporate America Party (nearly all congress GOP + many congress Democrats) enabling them and they have been working overtime to consolidate power into their own hands and de-enabling Congress and the courts from providing oversight, checks and balances. The media has been consolidated into the hands of four corporate entities and the message they give the people is filtered by the ownership groups according to what will best serve their profit-driven motives. What is in the best interests of the people is hardly of concern to the corporate media.
The American people are dumb, but we aren’t stupid. It took a few years to realize the degree to which we have been deceived. Now that all but the completely irrelevant and hopelessly blinded 19% are ready to reject the BushCo. agenda, the repair and restoration process has begun.
That is what happened in the landslide washout election results of November, 2006. It is what has happened as Jeff Gannon, Bernie Kerik, George C. Deutsch, Lester Crawford, Steven Griles, Kyle Sampson, Randall Tobias, Monica Goodling, Tom DeLay, Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libby, Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales, Bob Ney, Rick Renzi, Duke Cunningham, Dusty Foggo, John Doolittle, Mark Foley, Denny Hastert and many others were forced out in shame with many more to come. It is what has been happening with over thirty GOP resignations and retirements from Congress over the past year and will continue to happen this coming November when hopefully dozens more corrupt officials and on-the-lobbyist-dole members of Congress are shuffled out to pasture or off to prison where so many truly belong.
The ongoing Abramoff, Attorneygate, Crony Contracting, pre-Iraq Lies, Election Fraud, false imprisonment of Ex-Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, Sibel Edmonds nuclear treason, CIA operative Plame outing treason, 9/11 lies/coverup and dozens of other investigations will eventually lead to more prosecutions and resignations and hopefully finally nail criminals Cheney and Bush for everything they have conspired to do to the gross damage of our great nation.
Peachie, are you now resorting to vague criticism? Disappointing as you had such promise. There are those that ‘do’ and there are those that stand around and criticize the ones taking action. Do you have anything productive to contribute to the discourse? Are you 100% satisfied with where America is at currently? If not, what are you doing to fix it? Anything? Anything at all?
Plan A was to ask our ‘representatives’ to honor their oaths of office and defend the Constitution against domestic enemies to it such as Cheney and Bush. A lot of that has taken place and continues to take place as evidenced by the results listed above. But a lot of needed justice has not taken place as Democrats have put short-term election hopes above the long-term health of our nation in their tabling of the necessary impeachment of the ringleaders. Plan B is to insist that we do everything within our power to see that any of our ‘Representatives’ that have put politics above enforcement of the law and the Constitution are replaced – Democrat, Republican or other. That has already led to two mediocre, Bush’s War-enabling Democrats losing their House seats in the primaries to more principled candidates and will continue through this November’s election.
Plan A was not a complete failure, but the military industrial complex-serving cancer is still present in the national body politic and must be fully eradicated, or the disease – just like it did after the Iran Contra felons weren’t prosecuted – will return with a vengeance.
Plan B – insisting upon justice through impeachment or working to replace those that enable the criminality with their inaction – is simply an extension of Plan A.
You know your movement’s in trouble when you have to resort to “Plan B” (which differs from “Plan A” how?)
“So spread the word, tell your friends, your family, your coworkers, your allies. We will hold a rally Monday, March 17th, on the steps of the Capitol Building in St Paul. When we are finished with the rally, we will STORM the Capitol Building. We shall demand that the Minnesota House and Senate immediately pass a resolution calling for the Impeachment of George W Bush and Dick Cheney”
STORM? Well, what’s a good storming without Stormtroopers?
Don’t forget to wear your brownshirts!
I’ll be wearing green and kicking back a few Guinness Draughts.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Storm? LOL….it’ll be more like a slight drizzle.
Burrito…at least Obama is taking you seriously. It’s nice to see all those Cuban/Che flags in his campaign offices at at his rallies.
Got Faint?
Mikael write:
“You are all jackasses…”
I am hurt and confused. You call me bad name. Am I not a comrade in this revolucionary struggle with you?
El Commndante Burrito is shocked to be treated in way not appropriate from a fellow traveler.
Mikael write:
“And so am I…”
I very confused. You call youself bad name. What kind of revolucionary are you?
Mikael write:
“Members of Congress not being responsive to their constituents isn’t rare, it is the norm.
Taxation without representation… wasn’t that what spurred the FIRST American Revolution?”
Are you agreeing with me that only armed revolucionary struggle causes to liberate America from capitalist war mongers. Only Socialism is true freedom.
El Commandante Burrito
I’ll be there
It is very frustrating when your represenative doe not represent its constituents !!!!
Members of Congress not being responsive to their constituents isn’t rare, it is the norm.
Taxation without representation… wasn’t that what spurred the FIRST American Revolution?
We in Minnesota’s 5th District have been fortunate, having Martin Sabo for decades and now Keith Ellison. It is because we insist on representation that we are well represented, of course, but still, we are very, very well represented in DC.
I wish My Representative would respond to my emails and letters. I do not get any response.
Do others face this same problem?
You are all jackasses…
And so am I…
But there are those jackasses that understand the stakes such as Choocher and myself…
And then there are those who are just jackasses…
Not to worry! El Commandante Burrito is with a thick skin! I have not survived all these years in Cuba unless I had one. I have ways on dealing with counter-revolucionaries like coocher. I follows the ways that Che laid out for us.
El Commandante Burrito
Mikael you need to ban or at lest issue a final warning on Choocher, he used a personal attack (jackass) on Cmdr Burrito
Don’t you wish the jackass who commented first was half as funny as he thinks he is? I’m a flippant, sarcastic s.o.b. myself, but even I realize all that is inappropriate in the face of the brave cause you good folks are undertaking. Here’s to your faith and courage!
“It is now undeniable that the Federal Government has failed us completely. We have asked our representatives to hold the Bush Administration accountable. Instead, they have blocked the Impeachment movement all over our country.”
In revolucionary polotiks one must not say such thing publikly. No. This could be taken to mean that your revolucionary movement is weak and impotent. You must say a thing like: “The running dog imperialists have subverted fellow travelers in our congress. Through the armed struggle of revolucion, these traitors and their running dog masters will stand before a people’s revolucionary coinsel and will be judged guilty and will be executed.”
Do not show weakness. The the example of Che guide you!
El Commandante Burrito
Viva la anti-Capitalist revolucion!!!!