[Video] Citizen VideoBlog for Impeachment

There is no doubt that Dick Cheney and George W Bush have committed high crimes and misdemeanors against the people of the United States and the US Constitution. These crimes range from simple treasonous acts with few victims to launching illegal wars which have killed well over a million innocent civilian lives. Hundreds of thousands women, children and elderly.. teenagers, boys, girls and babies. Not just grown men with guns and bombs have been the casualties of this war. The lies our President and Vice President told to send us to war are the worst in U.S. Impeachment history. Their crimes have resulted in some of the most horrific atrocities in modern times.

The damage has already been done but they need to be held accountable for their crimes. The people who helped them need to be held accountable. The people they’ve elevated to power by their crimes need to be stopped. The people who may follow in their footsteps need to be dissuaded. Their disregard for humanity the principles of the constitution cannot be allowed to continue. Their crimes lead to horrors at home and abroad that should never have happened and should never happen again.