[Video]: NeoCons striving to destroy the church?

“Renewal or Ruin?” from Steven D. Martin on Vimeo.

The Institute on Religion and Democracy’s Attack on the United Methodist Church

Since its beginning in 1982, the Institute on Religion and Democracy has continuously undermined the United Methodist Church and other mainline Protestant denominations by attacking the character of church leaders. This organization, funded by some of the world’s most powerful foundations, undermines the witness of the church by fueling controversy to its own benefit.

“Renewal or Ruin?” looks into the IRD’s claim that it exists to renew the spiritual life of the church. Researchers, church leaders, and others talk about their findings and experiences with this Washington, DC organization that foments dissention in the body of Christ.

This DVD is designed to be used in a Sunday School class or similar format. Included on the DVD are:

-“Renewal or Ruin?”, a 25-minute video designed to introduce the viewer to the tactics and intent of the IRD
-“An Example,” a story by Bishop Kenneth Carder about his encounters with the IRD

-PDFs of articles by top researchers, available for distribution to your class for deeper study

-An interview with Steven Martin, the program’s producer

This program features:

Randall Balmer – Bishop Kenneth Carder
Frederick Clarkson – Jim Naughton
Bishop Beverly Shamana
Andrew Weaver – Jim Winkler

DVDs can be purchased online at ird-info.com.
