F.B.I. Raids Office of Special Counsel – Bush Watchdogs Suspected of Corruption! Say it isn’t so…

F.B.I. Raids Office of Special Counsel

May 7, 2008
Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company

WASHINGTON – The office of the official responsible for protecting federal workers from political interference was raided by General Services Administration, after Mr. Bloch’s office determined that she had improperly mixed politics with government business. Mr. Bloch was nominated for his post by President Bush on June 26, 2003. He was unanimously confirmed by the Senate on Dec. 9, 2003, and sworn in to a five-year term on Jan. 5, 2004. His agency’s Web site states that he has more than 17 years’ experience litigating “employment, lawyer ethics, and complex cases before state courts, federal courts and administrative tribunals.”

The agency’s Web site praises conscientious rank-and-file federal employees, “the great heroes, ordinary heroes who have the courage to blow the whistle, who are helping to bring our government to greater accountability.”


1 Comment

  1. Or, maybe, the adminstration is trying to cover it’s own tracks and using the FBI as a political tool.
    (A vacuum to gather and cover up the adminstrations own evidence of wrong doing.)
    Seems abosolutely rediculous that this administration is worried about government
    mixing politics with government business because that is exactly what they have been doing!
    Might as well throw the mixing in of church and state too.

    I truely doubt they are actually trying to bring “mixing politics with government business”
    to an end. They are only utilzing this story as a ruse to make sure they are covering
    their own tracks so they can continue their charade of integrety on the American people.

    Or maybe, the FBI is actually seeing the light and trying to do the right thing in some
    sectors of the US. While it may be true that some field offices are resisting being used and
    manipulated by the administration as a political tool, some may still be under
    the spell of the poison pill this administration has made them swallow.
    IE: All citizens (polticians included but mostly the democrats)
    are terrorists or threats to national security if they question the war in Iraq or
    the expenditures being requested.

    Just an opinion, of course, and some food for thought people.
    We have never seen this much deprived indifference
    and incompetence have such a strangle hold on our beloved country before.


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