Vote to Impeach – TOMORROW!

by Ramsey Clark — Join the Tuesday, June 3rd Call-in to John Conyers.

Jam the capitol switchboard with our demand to restore justice and reclaim democracy. Capitol Hill Switchboard — Toll call: 202.224.3121 — Toll-Free call: 800.828.0498 — 800.459.1887 — 866.340.9281 — 866.338.1015 — 877.851.6437.

When you get the operator ask for John Conyers’ office. Contact the House Judiciary Committee too. More toll-free numbers at — NEW YORK CITY NY — EVERY DAY BRINGS ANOTHER REASON FOR GEORGE BUSH TO BE IMPEACHED. WE HAVE A DUTY TO ACT AND WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Explaining that his “loyalty to the truth” overrode his “loyalty to Bush,” former White House spokesman Scott McClellan published a new memoir this week, which details the ways in which the administration regularly lied to and deceived the American public. McClellan asserts that the White House had managed the debate leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq in a way that “almost guaranteed that the use of force would become the only feasible option.” In this “culture of deception,” the corporate media acted as “enablers” to the Bush administration’s war of aggression.

McClellan undoubtedly wrote the book for the sake of his career, to distance himself from an increasingly detested president. But the fact is that the longstanding beliefs of the anti-war and impeachment movement have now been confirmed by a Bush insider. The president lied about going to war; it was not just a case of “bad intelligence,” but intentional deception. This is an impeachable crime.

Our relentless efforts for impeachment have helped change the political climate. Everyone’s actions have made a difference. More than 1 million people have voted to impeach. This is a stunning example of grassroots democracy in action.

The Judiciary Committee and its Chairman have failed to act in the face of overwhelming evidence of the most grievous high Crimes and Misdemeanors ever to imperil our nation and its place among nations. The time to act is now.

We are asking you to take a moment on Tuesday, June 3rd, to call Rep. John Conyers, the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to act on the impeachment resolution in the hands of his committee. This is not a matter of electoral politics or partisan politics. It is a matter of right-and-wrong, whether the Constitution is still adhered to, or if it is just a piece of paper.

Please call John Conyers Tuesday, June 3rd, at the numbers listed above. Let Mr. Conyers know, “You have a constitutional and legal obligation to act on impeachment. The Bush administration intentionally deceived the public to go to war, and the people of this country demand that they be held accountable.”

This impeachment drive is part of a two-month intensive effort, announced by Ramsey Clark, to have the House Judiciary Committee commence impeachment hearings by July 4. This movement is making a difference.


  1. Mark… That is something that everyone in your district should know about. You can affect him/her by publicizing his/her lack of responsiveness to your attempts at communication.

  2. We must send a message to the rest of the world that we do not tolerate the treason that Bush and his administration have committed. Impeachment if not incarceration are avenues that are much deserved and must be taken seriously if we hope to restore international respect. Please take the time to fullfill your resposibility as an American citizen by demonstrating the rights they’re working so hard to take away. Call tomarrow and demand justice.

  3. My Congressman, Jack Kingston, (Republican) showed a bit of backbone by not supporting the last war budget appropriation. He voted “present.” Of course that may be a “bargaining” chip.

    In GA it seems we are being told what to think. I received standard reply letters to my requests for Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson (US Senators, Republicans)telling me that they would be voting to support GWB’s newest war budget because that’s what their constituency wants. The letters also said they had been to Iraq 5 times and the surge was working.

    My husband and I have gone through the entire delegate process to become Georgia Delegates to the Republican Convention. At the last level, NOBODY got to vote for anyone or on anything. The final Delegates were selected behind closed doors….the final platform, neo-con, was determined without a vote.

    Without honest mainstream media there will be no change. War will continue. The largest most powerful lobby, AARP, has our parent’s and grandparent’s “fear votes” in the palms of their hands. With no mainstream TV media support to reach the elder voters…THE LARGEST VOTING BLOCK.

    The Democrats were voted in in 2004 to stop the war…did they? NO. So now we are to believe that a Democrat will stop the war by 2013? NONE of the 3 frntrunners will stop the Iraq War. All three, McCain, Clinton, and Obama, want larger DOD budgets.

    We’re there with you. We even wear the orange wrist band and give them to anyone who wants one.

    We need a mainstream media TV station willing to speak the truth!

  4. Bison,

    Your predicament parallels so many across our nation – the lack of true representation. You’d think we’d be ready to toss some tea into a harbor or something, but instead most are too busy fixating on the American Idol finals.

    What will it take to awaken the populace?

  5. My congressmen Brad Sherman (D) is on that committee and I have called his office numerous times but I really don’t think he cares about this issue, he is a very big Israeli supporter and I think he not looking to stop the war but to expand it into Iran.
    When I looked at his web page he even has a little propaganda program he is running to try and influence the American public to support Israel

    Congressman Sherman has never even questioned GWB’s polices or decisions and I don’t think he is going to take any action against a President that backs Israel as strongly as GWB does.

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