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After years of struggle, Nancy Pelosi has given the green light on impeachment hearings, Kucinich has said that an unidentified foreign official wishes to speak at these hearings, and the House Judiciary is now holding hearings on Bush’s abuses of power on July 25th! But, in order for this to lead to full fledged impeachment hearings, we need everyone’s help…
July 25, 9am — “Choose the Constitution”
Press Conference & Rally
Rayburn Building, Independence Avenue, Washington DC
July 25, 10am — Hearing “The Imperial Presidency of George W. Bush”
House Judiciary Committee, Rayburn Bldg, Rm. 2141, Washington DC
If you feel that patriotism and concern for the world-at-large requires your vigilance and active participation as an American, join me in working every single day for the near future on the impeachment debate. This IS a small, small window open right now… Remember that power yields nothing without our demanding it!
— SPREAD THE WORD as much as you’re willing and humanly able to do… Forward this email, make sure that at least your fellow Americans have heard about the July 25th hearing to discuss the actions of President Bush; perhaps they’ll be interested in contacting their Congress person, etc. Talk with friends and neighbors. Share your opinion on internet blogs and websites that allow comments.
— Call to ensure that Judiciary Committee members attend the July 25 hearing: (Dem: 202-225-3951) (GOP: 202-225-6504).
– Contact every member of the Judiciary and insist that they attend the hearing! The hearing is on a Friday and they usually don’t work on Fridays. Urge the members to vote to hold impeachment hearings based on the evidence presented July 25. Faxing is absolutely worth a try. If you wish to email them in one fell swoop, do so here: If you wish to leave a comment on voicemail, the Democrats’ House Judiciary Office is Phone: 202-225-3951 and the Republicans’ is 202-225-6504. Don’t omit the Republicans, even if you contact them last. NINE House Republicans (contrary to the minority leadership’s strategy) voted to send Kucinich’s latest impeachment proposal, H.Res.1345–which stated that Bush had lied to Congress to get authorization for his invasion of Iraq–to the Judiciary Committee: Brady (TX), Gilchrest (MD), Walter Jones (NC), Manzullo (IL), Tim Murphy (PA), Ron Paul (TX), Reichert (WA), Christopher Shays (CT), and Mike Turner (OH)!
– Call your Representative (congressional switchboard: 1-800-828-0498) to urge him/her to call for FORMAL hearings in the Judiciary to follow the “preliminary” hearing of July 25 (preferably to begin prior to the commencement of the August recess 2 weeks after July 25). Ask him/her to sign Kucinich’s resolutions to impeach Bush (H.Res.1258 and H.Res.1345). (Thus far, Wexler [FL-19], Woolsey [CA-6], Barbara Lee [CA-9], Hinchey [NY-22], Baldwin [WI-02], Farr [CA-17], and Towns [NY-10] have co-sponsored H.Res.1258 and Wexler [FL-19] and Barbara Lee [CA-9] have co-sponsored H.Res.1345.)
– Send an “official” email to your Representative via Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s impeachment petition:
— Insist on your local media coverage of the hearing. Contact the mainstream media and demand that they start NOW to report on the impeachment issue and that they cover the July 25th hearing! Write a letter to your local newspaper. Email / call national media outlets. Here’s one list for contact info:
President NBC News
Steve Capus – [email protected]
Senior Vice President NBC News
Mark Whitaker – [email protected]
Executive Producer MSNBC COUNTDOWN
Izzy Povich – [email protected]
Greg Kordick – [email protected]
Rich Stockwell – [email protected]
Gregg Cockrell – [email protected]
Keith Olbermann – [email protected]
“Rumor has it there are two panels being planned for the hearing. One consisting of Kucinich
and four other members of Congress (Jane Harman, Walter Jones, Brad Miller, and Maurice Hinchey); the other consisting of five non-Congress Members (Elizabeth Holtzman, Bruce Fein, Frederick Schwartz, John Dean, and Bob Barr).” ADS
Today the National Impeachment Network (NIN) began its “Choose the Constitution” campaign. The first goal of the campaign is to bring citizens to Washington D.C. from July 21 to 25, 2008 to personally tell members of Congress to Choose the Constitution by using the remedy of impeachment and to ask them to attend the hearing on impeachment of the full House Judiciary Committee on July 25 at 10:00 a.m. The second goal is to expand the news of the hearings nationwide and to ask the media for coverage. For those in D.C. on July 25 there will be a pre-hearing rally at 9:00 a.m. in front of the Rayburn Building.
Due to the stunning results of lobbying in support of impeachment, NIN launched a nationwide call for citizens to come to D.C. or to take action from home. Since July 8, 2008 two delegations from NIN have lobbied Congress and their Legislative staffs to consider the serious implications if they do not perform their sworn duty to uphold the constitution. Delegation members have been astounded by the response they’ve received. “During our two week lobbying experience in D.C. we have found the most effective way to present our message is in-person” says Cynthia Papermaster, NIN Co-Founder, who has been doing just that.
The NIN lobbyists are taking a positive, supportive approach toward Congress members who have already voiced their support for impeachment. To date more than forty members of Congress have cosponsors of articles of impeachment or demanded immediate impeachment hearings. During their first three days in D.C., members of the NIN delegation met with Representatives Mike Hinchey (D) New York, Dennis Kucinich (D) Ohio, John Conyers (D) Michigan, Robert Wexler (D) Florida, Lynn Woolsey (D) California and Walter Jones (R) North Carolina. Following a Wednesday, July 9, afternoon meeting with Dennis Kucinich in which he informed NIN that he was sending an announcement to members of Congress regarding the presentation of a new impeachment resolution and an hour-long early evening meeting with Judiciary Chairman, John Conyers, on Thursday morning Nancy Pelosi said “impeachment hearings may take place”. While Pelosi was making her announcement, NIN members were guest of Chairman Conyers at the Karl Rove hearing on the alleged politicization of the Department of Justice under the Bush administration. Later that day they met with Robert Wexler and Lynn Woolsey. The day ended with photos on the Capitol steps with Dennis Kucinich after observing him from the member’s only gallery as he presented his most recent article to impeach George W. Bush on the count of treason.
NIN approaches its lobbying efforts with win-win solutions. They have considered the dilemma that Congressional Representatives find themselves in during this re-election season when most people are concerned about the economy, fuel prices, mortgages and healthcare. NIN has offered to work with Congress, to educate and rally the people, and has assured them of support during the election if they stand up for impeachment. Democratic members are concerned that memories of the Clinton impeachment will create a negative backlash from their constituents. NIN offers evidence and reminders of the Nixon years; Senate and Congress members that took the first steps towards impeachment have gone down in history. More important, a look at history shows that the party that starts impeachment wins the next election.
The National Impeachment Network is a non partisan umbrella under which activist groups, businesses and individuals that support the impeachment process provided under the constitution can unite, coordinate, and expand the movement. Currently NIN reaches out to more than 40 coordinators and 160,000 activists who in turn reach out to more groups, friends and neighbors. Due to continuing education and outreach to members of Congress and the public the movement for impeachment is becoming louder.
The next and greatest challenge for NIN and the millions of American’s that support impeachment is to getting the media to report on it.
For more information contact Cynthia Papermaster, Co-founder and NIN representative in Washington D.C. at (510)333-6097, or Sandra Marshall in California at (805) 440-2547.
To learn more about the National Impeachment Network visit or send email to: [email protected].
Bush so like ,Nixon impeachment has disobeyed the subpoenas of and failed without lawful cause or excuses to produce papers and information for the Judiciary Commitee…assuming to himself the functions and judgements given to the House of representatives by Constitution.
Bush sounds much Nixon.
Bush the improved extra corrupt Nixon.
Impeach and teach him.
only the honest survive.
George Bush lied to the country and the Congress and should be held accountable…He is responsible for the death of thousands of American troops and tens of thousand of maimed and disabled…His actions also resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians. This illegal war will be causing psychological and material grief to untold numbers for many decades to come. The time has come to impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney for “High Treason”.
Go Dennis Kucinich,Lets impeach.
Bush should be sworn to testify.Nixon should proud of Bush/Cheney forced to testify
and with no privilages to lie on.impeach on.
Only the honest survive.Rove should jailed,this all sounds like the extra large version
of the modified Watergate.We should relieve that burden.