Karl Rove will testify according to his attorney

by Karen Harper, Birmingham Progressive Politics Examiner

According to TPM Muckraker Karl Rove’s lawyer has announced that Rove is cooperating with the Department of Justice in its investigation of the prosecution of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman and will cooperate with the DOJ in its investigation of the firing of 9 U.S. attorneys.

Earlier this month Karl Rove cited executive privilege when he said he would refuse to testify. And just yesterday, answering a Tweeter question from Huffington Post writer M.S. Bellows, Jr., Rove seemed to reiterate his prior position on the issue of testifying directing Bellows to an interview with Bill O’Reilly.

In an interview with MSNBC last night, Jonathan Turley, constitutional law professor at George Washington University explained that the reason Rove will have to testify is that if he refuses now, it would be a refusal to testify to the Executive Branch of the government under the guise of Executive privilege, in effect meaning that the former president has more power than the current president. Since Bush and Rove have refused to testify to the Congress and the Justice Department, it would make it appear that they are fighting against the entire government.

Karl Rove will almost certainly have to testify or be in contempt of Congress which could lead to jail time for him.



  1. How long will Rehearsal last? Did he get to pick the questions he’ll be asked from a list or was it that he would be asked questions form a list that Fitzgerald would show him prior to questioning? Either way he’ll be pleading the fifth amendment or claiming not to remember and making a total joke out of the justice department just like Bush and his administration have down since they were elected. Rove will do nothing but claim Bush is the most honorable man in America, the most religous, the bravest and the most faithful American their ever was. And everyone will know that Rove is nothing short of an habitual liar.

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