Republican Electoral College Elector Says Trump Could Be Impeached – One of the key points of Republican Electoral College elector Christopher Suprun’s argument against Trump is that the president-elect refuses to acknowledge that Constitution forbids him from accepting payments and gifts from foreign governments, which could lead his impeachment.
Suprun explained why he won’t be voting for Trump in The New York Times, but it was the point below that stuck out as a problem that will dog Trump’s presidency:

Mr. Trump does not understand that the Constitution expressly forbids a president to receive payments or gifts from foreign governments. We have reports that Mr. Trump’s organization has business dealings in Argentina, Bahrain, Taiwan and elsewhere. Mr. Trump could be impeached in his first year given his dismissive responses to financial conflicts of interest. He has played fast and loose with the law for years. He may have violated the Cuban embargo, and there are reports of improprieties involving his foundation and actions he took against minority tenants in New York. Mr. Trump still seems to think that pattern of behavior can continue.

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