11days in May – How Trump Made His Impeachment Mainstream

DailyKos – It’s quiet out there … so quiet …

Charlie Rose just said CBS This Morning asked 20 Republicans and White House on air to speak to Comey memo today; all declined.

It’s only a matter of time—probably minutes—before a new revelation roils the nation. So it’s a good time to take a quick look back and see just what it was that caused Republicans to go out and buy a whole new collection of comfy rocks under which to hide.

Tuesday started with the White House still trying to bat away the problems brought on by discovering that Donald Trump’s loose lips had spilled highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador at a White House meeting. A meeting arranged as a special favor to Vladimir Putin. A meeting where the United States press was banned, but Russian state media was given free rein. In one briefing after another, Trump surrogates sallied forth to try and explain why it was no big deal that the president had given up information sourced from Israeli intelligence, endangering alliances, nation’s strategy against ISIS, and putting sources on the ground in danger. The final argument from the White House? The president was too ignorant to know better.

And incredibly, by the end of the day, that would be the second worst story off the day.

In the afternoon, it emerged that former FBI director James Comey had kept notes on some of his meetings with Donald Trump. Among the instances captured by Comey was a request from Trump that he kill the investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s connection with Russia.

If firing Comey didn’t already put Trump in the “directly interfering into an investigation into his own campaign” box, Comey’s memo added a string of exclamation points. In a single day, the average position among Washington republicans went from “gee, a special prosecutor seems like overkill” to “I’m not sure we’re ready to talk impeachment.”

This is the week impeachment went from a marginal dream, to front and center possibility.

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How to impeach a president
Citizen led Trump impeachment method. The Rules of the House of Representatives stipulate citizens can initiate impeachment.

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