Impeach Trump” Says Another U.S. City

impeachment on Floor of HouseCommondreams – Ten American municipalities are now calling to impeach the President Trump, after elected officials in Brookline, Massachusetts passed a resolution last week asking Congress to begin an investigation that might lead to his removal from office.

The citizen-proposed resolution argues that “Trump’s many business interests around the world violate the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, and calls upon the U.S. House of Representatives to support a resolution directing the Judiciary Committee to investigate whether there are sufficient grounds for impeachment,” Boston Magazine reported.

“Honestly, I don’t understand why more people aren’t outraged by this,” said petitioner Lisa Kolarik.

Of the 173 elected officials that took part in the late Thursday vote, 158 voted in favor of the resolution while 13 abstained and two voted against, making the Boston suburb the latest local government to back Trump’s removal.

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How to impeach a president
Citizen led Trump impeachment method.
The Rules of the House of Representatives stipulate citizens can initiate it.