Fear of Trump impeachment has GOP running scared of 2018 midterms

impeach trumpRawstory – Republicans meeting in San Diego are worried that their career prospects could suffer collateral damage if Donald Trump’s administration continues to meltdown, leading to possible impeachment proceedings against the president before the 2018 midterms.

According to Politico, the Republican National Committee’s spring meeting in Coronado is tense affair, following Trump’s stunning firing of FBI Director James Comey which caught not only congressional leaders by surprise, but also members of the Trump White House.

Equally alarming are GOP worries that previously solid GOP seats in Montana and Georgia could be lost in special elections before the 2018 midterms — a harbinger of the struggles that lie ahead with an unpredictable and increasingly unpopular president at the top of the party.

According to one Republican National Committeeman, Trump has changed the game in ways that are making conventional election wisdom obsolete and incumbents nervous.

“I don’t think there is anything to compare it to. You have a non-politician who’s the president, so he doesn’t do things in a political way and that completely drives insiders of both parties bonkers because they don’t understand it,” said former Newt Gingrich adviser Randy Evans. “Right now, we’re just in a completely different and foreign political environment where pollsters and pundits and focus groups don’t matter.”

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