Empower Yourself: Impeach Supreme Court Justices

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We Impeach Trump Protest

IFP – The “Do-it-yourself Impeachment” is now available for every Supreme Court Justice.

C. Thomas

E. Kagan

K. Breyer

A. Barrett

B. Kavanaugh

S. Sotomayor

J. Roberts

S. Alito

N. Gorsuch

We provide this as a tool in service of democracy, if and when impeachment of these justices becomes necessary.  Indeed, there are many actions many of them have taken which are sufficient abuses of power to warrant impeachment. How many bribes must they take before we set a limit with these justices? What actions do you believe the Justices have taken which are abuses of power?

What is a Formal Impeachment Memorial?

Official Impeachment PetitionIn 2006, we discovered that individual citizens have access to the impeachment process. We were researching methods available to initiate impeachment and found that the rules of the House of Representatives empower individual citizens to initiate the process. The relevant part of the rules is a section called the Jefferson’s Manual. It is the section that speaks to the ways impeachment can be initiated.

Before the House Judiciary Committee can put together the Articles of Impeachment (a set of charges against a public official), someone must initiate the impeachment process. Most often, this occurs when members of the House pass a resolution. Another method outlined in the manual, however, is for individual citizens to submit a memorial/petition for impeachment.

After learning this information, we found precedent in an 1826 memorial by Luke Edward Lawless which had been successful in initiating the impeachment of Federal Judge James H. Peck. We then used this as a template for our “Formal Impeachment Memorial.” Now any citizen can fill out this memorial and submit it, making it possible for Americans to do what our representatives are too often unwilling to do.

When and to whom will the memorials be delivered?
After submitting your memorial, you will receive an email that includes a link to your memorial. While this is only viewable by you and whoever you share the link with, you have the option of contacting your congressperson and submitting the memorial to them. Simply locate their website through the House of Representatives, and send them a message including the link. However, we plan to collect as many memorials as possible, and then submit the memorials to any and all representatives who appear supportive of this type of accountability. Each time we deliver the memorials, the number of memorials will have grown, and so will the impact. We will send out updates when we do this through our website and social media profiles.

Submit Your Memorial Now.

impeach whisper action

Citizen led impeachment method.
Rules of the House of Representatives stipulate citizens can initiate it.

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