We Impeach – In an effort to make impeachment go viral, we have produced a video which explains how citizens can engage the impeachment process more directly. Share this, spread the word.

The rules of the House of Representatives lay out only a few methods by which impeachment may be initiated, one of them is for an individual citizen to submit an impeachment “memorial.” We’ve streamlined the process with an online form that will deliver your memorial to the House of Representatives. The more memorials Congress receives, the more they will fear losing the next election, unless they agree to pursue impeachment. Help us turn up the heat on Congress, and force their hand. Send your memorial today. #WeImpeach

#Impeach #Trump #Resist #theResistance #ImpeachTrump #dumpTrump #POTUS #NoFascistUSA #muslimban #CalltoAction

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1 Comment

  1. I as an American citizen fail to understand how my fellow American citizens namely the republican senate can turn a blind eye to all the hard core proof that the House of Representatives have presented against Donald J Trump in his impeachment trial.

    Wake up republicans if you don’t vote for what YOU KNOW IS RIGHT you are giving Trump not only the message but full reign to do whatever he wants to do without ANY repercussion!!

    Don’t be like him that only cares about money and himself! Don’t go down in history as the ones that protected him no matter what he did or does, but be the ones that will be known throughout history that put a stop to Trump’s corruption and stood up for what you know in your heart in right and did what you had to do in the best interest of all the citizens of our United States of America! God bless you and God Bless America!!


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