Resolution to Impeach Richard B. Cheney.

Wheras, elected officials take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic;

WHEREAS, Evidence in the public domain alone has led us to reasonably suspect that Richard B. Cheney conspired with others to defraud the United States of America by intentionally misleading Congress and the public regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 371; and

WHEREAS, Recent proclamations and actions have led us to reasonably suspect that Richard B. Cheney is currently conspiring with others to defraud the United States of America again by intentionally misleading Congress and the public regarding the threat from Iran in order to justify another war in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 371; and

WHEREAS, Richard B. Cheney conspired with others to commit the torture of prisoners in violation of the “Federal Torture Act” Title 18 United States Code, Section 113C, the UN Torture Convention and the Geneva Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution are part of the “supreme Law of the Land”; and

WHEREAS, Richard B. Cheney acted to strip American citizens of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention without access to legal counsel, without charge and without the opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an “enemy combatant”, all in subversion of law; and

WHEREAS, In all of this Richard B. Cheney has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as Vice President, subversive of constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of Minnesota and of the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, Petitions from the country at large may be presented by the Speaker of the House according to Clause 3 of House Rule XII;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by The [Democratic/Republican/Independence/Green] Party of the State of Minnesota:

That Richard B. Cheney, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States; and

Be it resolved further by the [Democratic/Republican/Independence/Green] Party of the State of Minnesota , That our senators and representatives in the United States Congress be, and they are hereby, requested to cause to be instituted in the Congress of the United States proper proceedings for the investigation of the activities of Richard B. Cheney, to the end that he may be impeached and removed from such office; and

Be it further resolved That the Clerk of the [Democratic/Republican/Independence/Green] Party of the State of Minnesota be, and is hereby, instructed to certify to each elected party representative, under the seal of the [Democratic/Republican/Independence/Green] Party of the State of Minnesota, a copy of this resolution and its adoption by the [Democratic/Republican/Independence/Green] Party of the State of Minnesota, as a petition. A copy of this resolution shall also be sent to Representative John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee. The copies shall be marked with the word “Petition” at the top of the document and contain the original authorizing signature of the authorized signatory of the [Democratic/Republican/Independence/Green] Party of the State of Minnesota;

_________________________________________ ____/____/2008

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