Blog Article Related ImageImpeach for Peace – We have officially endorsed an impeachable offense with respect to Donald Trump on the Formal Impeachment Petition. This is the only method laid out by the Rules of the House of Representatives for a citizen to initiate impeachment. We decided his executive order selectively giving preference to refugees based upon religious affiliation constitutes enough of an egregious offense. The fact that two federal courts have already delivered negative judgments regarding this executive order gives strength to this charge. The language we use was borrowed from the ACLU. So now, when submitting your Formal Impeachment Petition, in addition to your own impeachable offenses, you can choose the following…
“Donald J Trump has abused his power as President of the United States of America by signing an executive order on January 31, 2017 that imposes a selective ban on immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries as well as establishing preferential treatment for refugees seeking asylum who are identified with ‘minority religions’ in their country of origin (these would tend to be Christians). According to the Supreme Court, ‘the clearest command of the Establishment Clause is that one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another.’ Trump told Christian Broadcast News that his executive order was intended to give priority to “Christians” seeking asylum over ‘Muslims.’ Therefore the executive order violates the ‘clearest command of the Establishment Clause.’ We also have clear evidence as to his intent prior to signing the executive order, as Trump has made numerous statements indicating his intent including his stated desire to implement a ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslim immigration.”

Again, this is the only method laid out by the Rules of the House of Representatives for a citizen to initiate impeachment. Let your friends know about the Formal Impeachment Petition through social media and emails. Let’s get this going!

#ImpeachTrump #theResistance

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