Republican NH Legislator: Impeach Bush/Cheney

After Downing Street, Dan DeWalt — In a packed hearing room on Feb 19th, under a carved wooden sign reading “Live Free or Die”, the New Hampshire House committee of State-Federal Relations and Veterans’ Affairs heard testimony on Representative Betty Hall’s HR 24, which calls on the U.S. Congress to begin impeachment hearings for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

What was most notable about the four straight hours of testimony was not that opponents of the resolution could only muster two people willing to testify against it, both Republican stalwarts using selected excerpts from Jefferson’s parliamentary manual or from the bill itself, whose arguments were embarrassingly empty.

It was not that Kris Roberts, the committee chair, had taken this hearing seriously enough to have researched the law, history and nuances of the subject, and that he used this to inform the proceedings in a reasonably fair manner.

It was not the fact that after the hearing ended, several pro-impeachment witnesses were approached by committee members and thanked for their clarity and useful testimony.

It was not even the novelty of the interjections by one committee member that would periodically steer the conversation abruptly into Rockefeller/Trilateral Commission territory.

The most remarkable moment came late in the afternoon when Republican House member Steve Vaillancourt strode into the room to testify. After passing out copies of the second chapter of Patrick Buchanan’s “Day of Reckoning” as supporting evidence, Vaillancourt opened his remarks quoting “fools rush in where wise men fear to tread”, and it sounded like a set up to condemn a rush to impeach. But instead he said that Betty Hall is neither fool nor wise man, but is a model of courage and that her impeachment resolution should be supported.

And then the fun began.

Member Vaillancourt then gave a short history lesson, telling the committee that until Bush/Cheney, America had never engaged in an offensive war [sic.], and pointing out that the Truman, Eisenhower. Kennedy and Reagan “Doctrines” had all been based on defense and had not been offensive in nature. Warming to the subject, he delved into the ramifications of Bush/Cheney’s actions, saying that their reckless foreign policy has been anti-American, unconstitutional, and ruinously costly to the nation.

He was fairly thundering by the time that he pronounced that not only should Bush and Cheney be impeached, but also they should be tried as war criminals in a Nuremburg style trial for crimes against humanity. He flatly stated that the war in Iraq has provided grounds for war crimes charges against the President and Vice President. And there was not one word of protest from a single committee member. They may or may not support this resolution to impeach, but there seems to be no one left with a credible argument to defend Bush/Cheney.

Vaillancourt said that he spoke not as a Republican, a New Hampshire citizen or an American, but as a member of humanity. His remarks made a common sense plea for an honest appraisal of our current political situation, for the acknowledgement that we have a duty to act as a decent and responsible people, and that principle be the governing factor of our government’s actions. These are all values that should, and once did, cut across party lines. If the current political parties have forgotten this, and become so degraded as to allow the lawlessness and criminality of this administration to go unchecked, the people have not.

And at that hearing the people had their chance to speak. One member of the committee remarked that she had never before seen such a wide range of viewpoints as represented by the witnesses, to be so united on one issue.

After deliberation the next day, loyalty to party leadership proved a stronger pull than reasoned argument, for five committee members voted to recommend the bill, with eleven voting against. Now facing an uphill battle to get it passed in a full House vote in March, Betty Hall was still encouraged by the committee hearing and vote. She has received much more support for this resolution than she did with a similar effort last year, and is already working to get grass roots supporters out between now and the vote to get their legislators’ attention.

If the grass roots continue to pour out as they did on Tuesday, and if there were a few more politicians like Steve Vaillancourt and Betty Hall, we might see things begin to change. It’s instructive to remember that some politicians who are now leading the charge for impeachment did not want to talk about it only a few short months ago. The spotlight is now on the New Hampshire House, the third largest deliberative body on the planet, and arguably one of the more democratic representative systems anywhere as well. These representatives may listen to an outsider’s viewpoint on what to do about the Constitution, but they will be influenced most by the neighbors whom they represent.

The question is, is New Hampshire angry enough and organized enough to convince the legislature to call for impeachment? For those outside of New Hampshire the question is, how can we raise the temperature everywhere else, making it all the more plausible that the Granite State will reach the boiling point.


  1. NOOOO!!!! It’s no joke!! Believe me, I’ve got nothing but contempt and hatred for our current Culprit in Chief. Anyone who can stand there and laugh while millions and millions of our children, and billions upon billions of Iraqi children are dying in the streets of Baghdad deserves to be brought up on charges and thrown into the same torture camps he set up for the wrongly and illegally imprisoned freedom fighter brothers in arms, our peace loving Moslem brethren. BushCo will surely see their day in front of an international panel of judges and pay for their crimes if I’ve got anything to say about it. Surely the Crimes Against the Children, Crimes Against Our Nation’s Infrastructure, and Crimes Against Subprime Mortgage Homeowners, among many, many other felonies warrants Bush’s detention and interrogation by his own jack-booted stormtroopers, does it not?

    (How’s that?)
    -Marky Marx

  2. Mark Krunchytinfoilcap,

    Congratulations from escaping from the grip of the 19%ers.

    81% of America who have realized that we all were duped by the faux Bush agenda can’t be wrong!

    Oh wait… you are joking, aren’t you?

    Shoot… and just when I was beginning to think that there was hope for you after all…

  3. One of the first things that Bush did upon taking office in 2001 was to change America’s aid policy globally, cutting off funds to organizations that distributed condoms as part of their AIDS programs. It took months of pressure from more intelligent and informed human beings from all over the planet to eventually get the Bush Administration to relent. In the meantime, thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands of people got AIDS that wouldn’t have otherwise because distribution of condoms had been cut off or delayed.

    All you offer is one more canard, sorry. Their is no substance to Bush’s claim to be some sort of saviour in the ‘war on AIDS’. He is part of the problem and has only under duress what any intelligent person would have been doing all along – fund the programs that work without judging them on some kind of deeply skewed ‘moral’ base.

  4. Note to Chubby: You need to make a decision whether or not you want to keep your privilege of posting on this site. If you submit one more comment, old or new, that is focused on personal attacks and has little or nothing to do with the subject at hand, you will be banned.

    This will be your only warning.

    Note to Mikael:

    Why can’t you admit Bob Geldof is right?
    You asked for one good thing and you got it but yet you just can’t bring yourself to say “Yes, Bob Geldof is right.”
    Just pretend you’re Hillary Clinton for a moment.
    All it takes is a “willing suspension of disbelief”.
    Think of all the “Hope” George Bush brought to these people afflicted with AIDS.
    Think of his actions that brought “Change” in these African countries that has saved millions of lives.
    Try it Mikael. The Truth will set you free.

  5. Oh no! Our evil plot has been revealed! How are we supposed to take over the world without our cloak of invisibility? We must now give up our diabolical plans of suppressing justice and destroying the Constitution and just give in to Mikael’s point of view. How can we challenge the mighty argument that he presents without the aid of anonymity? Give in, I say! Give in!

    Forever will I pledge my allegiance to you, Mikael! From now on only hateful, frothing malice for Bushitler will ever escape my lips! My independent thought will be replaced by a mindless devotion to my new duties of denunciation and rage! We shall see the end of this malevolent administration if it’s the last thing I do!!!!!

    -Mark Krunchytinfoilcap

  6. Three trolls who are committed to suppressing justice and defending those bent upon destroying the Constitution.

    It is obvious that the three of you are not just ‘of a cloth’, but are working together to defend the evil that has done so much to destroy America.

    You better be getting paid well, 19%ers, there is no other reward for siding with the Bush Crime Family.

    Because working for free in a vain attempt to plug with Q-tips this sinking Bush Titanic would be such a waste of your time.

  7. Mikael wrote:

    “It is just highly suspicious, in fact, quite blatantly obvious that Mack, Chubby and Peachy are all working together as they all jumped from one thread to a new thread simultaneously.”

    Your point being? I’ve already confirmed elsewhere that I am a troll on this site; I find your position repugnant and look for opportunities to poke holes in your arguments.

    By the way, you left out MARK. He jumped from the last thread to this one as well.

  8. It is just highly suspicious, in fact, quite blatantly obvious that Mack, Chubby and Peachy are all working together as they all jumped from one thread to a new thread simultaneously.

    Note to Chubby: You need to make a decision whether or not you want to keep your privilege of posting on this site. If you submit one more comment, old or new, that is focused on personal attacks and has little or nothing to do with the subject at hand, you will be banned.

    This will be your only warning.

  9. I don’t know about the others, but I’m not COINTELPRO (although my computer does have an “INTEL inside” sticker on it). With all due respect and no dig intended, I don’t think this site is even a blip on the federal radar; if it was, surely the evil Bush regime as described on this site would have already arrested the owners and anyone who had ever posted on it, right?

    As to being labled as a “bad cop:” if actually checking the facts of the items posted and pointing out where the author thereof is in error or rather obviously spinning the event out of context are the acts of a “bad cop,” then “bad cop” I am.

  10. Mikael!
    Fool or Genius?
    Good cop or bad cop?

    We are former KGB providing cover for our useful stooge idiots!
    Without our insipid, idiotic comments for you to debate, you wouldn’t be able prove your 96% percentile brilliance, negating reason and logic!
    All hail deconstructionism, identity politics, and relative moralism!
    The Brave New World awaits Hope and Change!
    Death to the 19%ers who question Mikael’s infallibilty!

    Great job Comrade Mikael!
    Keep up the excellent work!

  11. Mack, Chubby (bad cop) and Peachie (good cop) all simultaneously move from one thread to another.

    If you folks were any more obvious you would be announcing your personal relationships on this site.

    Are you COINTELPRO or just 19%ers working together for free?

  12. Teri Jean,

    Your fears and frustrations are so real for so many Americans. I feel for you. There are many of us – a very strong majority now – who agree with you and just want the Bush years to be over sooner rather than later.

    There is no good thing coming out of this Bush Mis-Administration.

    Oh, and ignore the 19%ers who troll on this website – probably assigned to attack us, there is no logic nor reason behind their blind, lockstep loyalty to the worst President ever.

    I hope your situation gets better and soon.

  13. Oops. My apologies Peachie. I was looking for “Morey” in the body of the text, not in the byline. Curse these faulty observational skills!

  14. Mr. Morey wrote:

    For those outside of New Hampshire the question is, how can we raise the temperature everywhere else, making it all the more plausible that the Granite State will reach the boiling point.

    The answer is Global Warming! And I’m going to do my part by driving my SUV more!

  15. Is this the same resolution that Representative Hall tried to introduce into the House on 23 June 2007–the one where she requested suspension of the rules to allow late drafting and introduction of a resolution, said request being voted down 258 to 41–or is this a variation on the theme, trying to work a different resolution through the committee?

    From the article posted:
    “The most remarkable moment came late in the afternoon when Republican House member Steve Vaillancourt strode into the room to testify.”

    This would be the same Steve Vaillancourt who, after ending a sixteen-year relationship as the roommate of fellow Democrat Raymond Buckley, also left the Democratic Party and became Liberatarian for a term before becoming a Republican? (Associated Press Story, 7 March 2007) The same gentleman who then mailed a letter to the New Hampshire Governor’s Office accusing his former roommate of having an enormous stash of child pornography–a charge that proved to be completely fabricated:

    “But after a two months investigation, Manchester police officials and Attorney General Kelly Ayotte say the claims Buckley faced proved hollow.
    ‘Simply put, Mr. Vaillancourt’s allegations that Mr. Buckley was involved in the possession of child pornography were unsubstatiiated and unfounded and that’s what our investigation revealed.’
    Ayotte added that the evidence against Buckley was so lacking that prosecutors even weighed charging Steve Vaillancourt with making a false report to police.” (New Hampshire Public Radio News Story, Friday, 2 March 2007.)

    Not exactly a good track record for making accusations…

    Again from the article posted:
    “After deliberation the next day, loyalty to party leadership proved a stronger pull than reasoned argument, for five committee members voted to recommend the bill, with eleven voting against.”

    Dan DeWalt needs to do a bit more fact checking. The information isn’t that hard to find on the New Hampshire state government website. They even have a wallpaper up behind each representative’s information page with either an equine or an elephantine party symbol…it’s not that hard to miss. And the vote was 10 to 5 against, not 11 to 5. Considering that only eight members of the 18-person committee are Republicans (although one of those I’m counting as a Republican, Representative Gagnon, is listed as “d+r,” whatever that means), that doesn’t quite count as voting along with “loyalty to party leadership,” does it? I wonder if all the committee members were present for the hearing, since three did not vote. If they were, that means that not only did at least two Democrats vote against recommending the resolution, three others sat mute and refused to vote in favor of it.

  16. Terie Jean wrote:

    “They hadn’t before, there was no big infamitory reason for them to do it? So why! Why then and there at that point in our history? There is no reason. No provacation. Just something horrific out of the blue.”

    I seem to remember the WTC bombing in 1993 or was that fiction?
    Achille Lauro ring a bell?
    How about Petty Officer Stetham? No? Here’s a link from a liberal:
    USS Cole? No?
    How about Lockerbie, Scotland? Out of the blue? Yes, that was out of the blue and destroying a good part of that town.
    The US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania?
    Khobar Towers?

    Just a small list “out of the blue” with no connection to anything at all….Just isolated incidents with no link to Islamic terrorists.

    It’s all George Bush’s fault.

    Oh, BTW, John Kerry is “Skull and Bones” too.

    Enjoy your free HBO Terie Jean and get yourself to a remedial English class post haste. Talk about torture. Reading Terie Jean’s post was “Eyeboarding”.
    Good luck on your Wal-Mart boycott duty.
    That has about as much a chance of success as impeachment.

  17. Let me tell you about all this from my point of veiw. I am a mother of 8 but 5 are living. Most of us have already had our share of grief in life. But we drag through the days and nights and years, because though it insnt fare to loose even one child, life goes on here on Earth. I suspect strongly that Bush and Cheney ARE behind 911. Now unless these so called terrorist were paid a million dollars, why would they bother to do what they did?
    They hadn’t before, there was no big infamitory reason for them to do it? So why! Why then and there at that point in our history? There is no reason. No provacation. Just something horrific out of the blue. And that leads me back from where I had been misled in the first place. He hired some thugs to do it. I am not going to try to wonder why they would even accept such a thing, die for a million dollars? Who would! And that is why I believe that they probably was responsible! Now that the shock is over, I realize those events were to orchastrated to be an actual attack of terrorists. Though I certanly do believe that the victums were not part of the show. They didn’t know what was going on anymore than we did! And they tried to fight back heroicly!
    I think this president is the most evil and so is his Vice president, in history too. Has to be! One charge that needs to be added is disturbing the peace. I know it sounds silly to add that and maybe retoricle but I would! Because that is all he has been since he walked erogantly into the picture. I saw him on interveiws laughing about his association with the Skull and Bone secret society and the “plans he has” for America,and where wanted to take America. I read how he is solidifying his Imperial Presidency! Ignorant of the fact that we Americans angry at his king like superiority attitude. I see now that he has no respect for life! He boasts I’m the decider. And the more I see him, the less I want to see him or hear him ever again! His face and his voice make me horribly sick as if I were poisoned suddenly!
    Every day, I wake up anoyed and angry. Every day I wonder when we are going to be told that the social security has dried up and we have no money to live on. I am a homemaker and still raising our last child, which came late in our lives-my early fourties. Now I am 53 and I take care of her, my disabled husband who has 3 diffrent types of arthritis, diabetis, high blood pressure, had one heart attack and joint deterioration, besides bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. All for which he must take a full list of medications, two are shots. So do I need this man to give me more to think about? OFCORSE NOT!
    Yes. I have enough greif and this war I S going to bankrupt everyone, some say very soon! If there isnt panic in the streets, there soon WILL BE! Read the history of the Stock market crash and what they went through! On, they have Depression era rescipes and we may be needing those quite soon. Thanks to Bush.
    How he has disrupted our lives! The lives of people over seas, the military who is the people just for defending our country-not for aggression! Not for the lust of oil and money. It should make every American want to head for Washington, D.C. and show the people who are “supposed to be representing us” and so often dont and dont even hear us at all, that we do want our freedom, our liberty, our rights and our vote!
    I have felt so scared. So helpless to the might of this bully always taking from us and stepping over us like he is 50 feet tall and hundreds of pounds too much for us to defend ourselves. I had so much fear in the pit of my stomache that I wasn’t even sure I could get up in the morning or go to bed at night! Our country is being invaded by careless big money bullies who think they can do anything they want to us like Walmart claiming iminent domain and planing a super douper highway from Mexico through Texas and the rest of America all the way into Canada so they can find it easier to ship their cheap, poorly made junk from one place to another! And when they said that I KNEW what was behind this one world order bologna that Regan, Bushsr, Clinton-yes and Hillery, and Bush Junior where pushing NO Raming down our throats! And it too is all about money, with no concern for the people who will loose there homes, property, farms and beautiful lands! No Respect for life!
    I can’t sue for the suffering Mr. Bush and Cheney have inflicted on me with the anxiety of what was happening to the land that I love America! But how many other people have had there feelings that tomarrow was going to be life as usual and things werent perfect but they are do able, we have rights and peace with no one to treaten our home and country. YOu cant put a price on that, or the pursuet of happiness still possible -then calously snached away by a mugger like Bush and Cheney! And laughed at! Should they impeach them?! Tell me something if you can. Are these college educated polititions so over educated that they have become stupid?!
    We can’t stand any more lies, and abuse to our lives, or repeatedly being ignored and passed over for these cold blooded monsters of the power elite to get what they want! They seem to have no limit to what violence they are capible of! Anything goes.
    I fear too that even though we impeach these two blood thirsty sub humans that the newbees waiting in the wings are ready with plans of their own to beat us over the heads too! With some God awful stage production of their own so that we think we have to do what they say in order to be safe even though it too reduces us to cattle for them to herd this way and that! Maybe they will put all of US on reservations too. The poor, on reservations, the rich the right to vote and move about! And we to work for Walmart! Bush did say that he would get a bill for us to all be re-trained! I will be glad to re-train him, Under the Northern Pacific! On the tracks! What an ignorant man this is!
    I plan to help if I can, when America wants to fight the super high way being run through like a sword into the heart of Texas and the USA! I have a new dislike for Walmart and I am sorry I ever shopped there and I have vowed that I never will again! I am on boycott duty now of Walmart!
    But Bush and Cheney are just that reprehencible and evil that we like the heros of 911 must fight them and procecute them to the fullest measure of the laws and with every charget that can be applied to their ugly heartless lives!
    Next we must change the laws in our favors-strengthening them against any such gangsters doing this ever again! We must require back ground checks that imbarrasingly intrude into the propective candidates lives and get as clear a picture as we can of who they REALLY are! To include a mental exam! And a cat scan! Bipolar disorder shows up on those! There’s been proof! A president can not have any such medical conditions if he is going to do a good job for us because after all, who is he in this job? A PUBLIC SERVANT! Not the decider! Not alone. The Government is as follows I believe; Presidency, Congress, Judiciary, AND THE PEOPLE! Not three branches of government! Four! WE – THE PEOPLE!
    And that is a part of the wrong path, that we have been going down! Uninvolvment and discommunication of the will of the PEOPLE! We have to HAVE TO be included! And to be included, we have to be more informed and we have to pay more attention!
    Or we will simply loose our country to another such thug! Thank you for your time, to read this, and I wish you well and God bless our America the land that we love!

  18. this is the stupidest article in the world. i never thought that people could be so freaking dumb.

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