Bush is over (if you want it)

The beginning of a popular movement to impeach.
This is a remake of the 70’s slogan and song by John Lennon “War is over, if you want it.” It’s in response to the Newsweek poll that found that 58 percent of Americans wish Bush’s presidency were over. There will be billboards, songs, and other actions taken around this idea. Here’s a picture of IfP’s own Jodin Morey (left) with a sign that will appear with prominent people over the next few months.

For more information go to: BushIsOver.org or A28.org


  1. GW Bush should be impeached at all costs. He prossed to like Lennon and live by his ideas, well, he was not that devoted fan:) He should have put John Lennon hat on his head before the War on Terror was launched.

  2. The scary thing is, bu$h should have already been impeached, tried and convicted by now. I for one, have wondered why serious impeachment proceedings have not been undertaken by COngress, and I can think of only one reason why they haven’t. There are some very powerful people KEEPING him in office. These are the same people who are scaring the other powerful people(or at least semi-powerful people) into leaving shrub be.

  3. There is a reason the founding fathers made impeachment a rather easy thing to do. As crazy as this may sound there was a time when even the whiff of impropriety would be grounds for removal from office.

    bush, cheney, plus a number of other top officials certainly by any reasonable person’s standards have crossed that threshold many times over. The argument that removing them from office would somehow destabilize things would be laughable if not for the seriousness of the situation.

    Other countries have survived corrupt governments before, after far worse things than an impeachment. And believe me, we look far worse off to the rest of the world by keeping bush&co. in office.

    Truth be told we should beg the rest of the worlds forgiveness for inflicting the idiot-prince upon them.

  4. I totally agree with impeaching Bush and the rest of the lot. I mean, come on, there was all that talk about impeaching Clinton for having an extramarital affair. Now, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I do believe that waging illegal wars and committing other crimes is far worse than what Clinton did. Nobody died as a result of his infidelity and it did not turn most of the world against us. That was strictly between him and Hilary. Bush, however, has dragged our entire nation into his infidelity. He has been totally disloyal to the American people!

    The terrorists no longer scare me; it is the Bush Administration that is so frightening now. I wanted him out of office the moment that he stepped in. I still can’t even believe he won re-election!!! Stupid people who believed all the fear tactics and lies.

    As someone already said, this is not about the war, per se, but it is definitely sending the message to our future leaders that we will not idly stand by and let them abuse their power. I thought we had a system of checks and balances in place so this didn’t happen to begin with.

    I believe that his actions have set up the possibility of another world war – one that will probably be fought on our soil. That’s what scares me and that why I want him out of office. The sooner the better, as far as I am concerned.

  5. Not, Bush, he’s just a sad puppet – IMPEACH CHENEY! – Then there will be no strings attached

  6. This isn’t about party politics, Oldfart. It’s not that crass. It’s not about who you “get.” It’s about accountability and saving our democracy. It’s about setting a precedent that the president is not above the law, or all future presidents will be.

  7. Impeach Bush and you wind up with Cheney. Impeach Bush AND Cheney and you wind up with Pelosi and …. someone.
    Let Bush finish out his “term” and then hang him for treason. Hang Cheney next to him.
    Whoever the new president is will take note, we hope.

  8. Dot and others who feel that impeachment is a waste of time, I ask you this:

    If the next President and the next, and the next, are all allowed to break the law, ignore Congress and the Supreme Court, violate the Geneva Accords and the Kyoto Treaty, invade and occupy any country they want and continue to be allowed to stay in office without the American people, Congress and the courts stepping in to stop him/her, what kind of a Hitler are we paving the way for? Who will step into the vacuum and become the next Unitary Executive/Dictator?

    If your daughter gets raped by her boyfriend, do you feel that taking legal action against him is “beyond stupid”? Do you tell her to just “spend your effort trying to…” find a new boyfriend? This is about justice. Any effort toward peace that doesn’t fulfill the inherent need for justice will only succeed temporarily at best and is doomed to failure.

    “Exactly how does impeaching a U.S. President bring peace?” you ask? If we do not stop Bush, the attack of Iran will commence by Spring. Impeachment will stop that war as well help to end early as the one we and Congress were lied into supporting back in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, etc.

  9. Arthur: I’m sure your friends don’t agree with us. However, anecdotal polls aren’t as predictive of reality as ones conducted more scientifically.

  10. Impeaching a president who has started an illegal war, and may do so again will obviously help bring about peace. Both from preventing a war, and setting precedent for future presidents.

  11. first off,

    what Bush and Cheney have done, makes Nixon look like a holy mary; How come Nixon did allot less compared to the Bush administration and was impeached, yet these 2 are still running things above the law. The FACTS are there, GQ Mag is publishing a article next month on all the inlegal acts Cheney has done. Bush has willingfully gone power crazy by doing w/e he wants to do, without congress approval, or the people on so many topics we lost count.

    NOT to mention we are at war because of lies, we are there because the Bush administration impossed false information over real information and brought it uppon to by-pass our congress and the UN. Our war was with Alfagistan to start with and not with IRaq, watch how everything has deviated for 6 years. We have gone from Alfagistan to Iraq to now a very soon war with Iran… then who else? the world?

    What does this mean? That every country that has had nuclear capabilities we must engage on? North Korea, Russia, China? yet we have our own plants and we run things however we want, telling others not to do what we do? I understand were the first to set a role model for the world, but doesnt mean were going into war with every country because they dont run things the way we want them to. Thats just obviously communist idealism.

    Our security breach was our fault, here in home land USA, there will be always terroism around the world, and just to spot you one of the biggest ones, is the Bush administration. scandaling the warfares for profits is just as evil as you can get.

    I wished we had the Power to Impeach Bush, Cheney and his corrupted Administration. But the truth is the people are afraid of them, and dont have the balls to stand off for what our constitution stands for. No one is above the law, and crimminal activities must not be allowed or tolerated.

  12. I love all these polls that give you imaginary numbers for approval and disapproval, I by know means know all people in my area but the ones I speak with have never been asked what they think about these issues and certainly do not feel as thought they are part of this supposed majority of persons who want Bush impeached. This is just another example of people manipulating numbers and people as they see fit to make their issues or side of an argument seem best.

  13. Stupid Kids now days have no honor. They are just a scared bunch chicken shits.
    and they deserve to be owned by the Rag heads.

  14. This is beyond stupid.
    Spend your effort trying to get your favorite candidate for the 2008 elections elected.

    Your slogan “Impeach for Peace”…..????
    Exactly how does impeaching a U.S. President bring peace? To where?

  15. We’re not there for the “liberation of the Iraqi people” any more than we’re there for “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. We’re there because a NeoCon group called The Project for a New American Century devised of strategic plans to invade Arab states in hopes of controlling the world’s supply of oil. A key note of that plan was an event like Pearl Harbor that would create support for the invasions.

    9/11 = Inside Job
    War on Terrorism = Smoke and Mirrors to hide us from real terrorists and real agenda.
    Al Qaeda = Al CIA-da
    Osama Bin Laden = Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfield and the rest of the Project for a New American Century gang.

  16. I think that whatever reasons are directing the US towards war, those reasons come from Dick Cheney’s evil, greedy, bloodthirsty and power-hungry mind. Bush is a s***head, very much influenced by DC’s ideology, incapable of making on important decision by himself.
    Just recall that only the major US oil companies, mainly the ones under the influence of DC’s control, are profitting over Iraq’s oil.
    Now comes this bullshit argument that Iran is concentrating on developing nuke bombs. Although that probably is true, it’s unlikely that Iran nukes will only be available in the short run. Sabotages apart, reliable nukes take a very long time to be promptly available for military use.
    The consequences of another ME war might extend throughout the planet. Could that be the end of all of us? History has been ignored ever since Bush won the election but despite that I think it’s never late enough for having a look at the past and learn the lessons it has taught.
    If there is a 3rd anti-Christ, he’s out there right now pulling the strings that will determine our very existence. His name we all know…

  17. To everyone going on about whether the US should pull out of Iraq: you’re missing the point. It’s about impeaching Bush and Cheney (there’s more then enough evidence to do that).

    It’s not about the war, it’s about stopping people trying to live above the law. It’s about stopping dictatorship and stopping “a select few” to do as they please and stopping them from controlling the masses (via fear and absurd legislation).

  18. From our main page:
    The most recent impeachment resolution introduced by McKinney included Bush, Cheney, and Rice. Although, even if we only initially pursue Bush, initiating the impeachment process will lead to an investigation that will implicate lots of people in the Bush administration who are guilty of committing crimes, including Cheney.

    As a popular movement, we believe that the strategy of going after both of them right off the bat would bring nay-sayers to the table asking for the evidence against Cheney. Not that there isn’t evidence, but the evidence is less known, and more of it is hidden. This would only make our case less clear, and cause less people to be approving of it. More people agree about the need to impeach Bush, than about the need to impeach both of them. And, since the evidence against Cheney would come out in any trial against Bush, we find it strategically unnecessary to include him initially.

    In addition, no matter who we get to replace Bush, we’ll be showing those in power that anyone who breaks the law will be held accountable.

  19. If Bush were impeached… Then would Cheney have to be pres??? This could be worse than ever, or even Cheney’s master evil plan!

  20. Me: Other presidents wouldn’t feel the need to save face and kill thousands more troops in the process like this one. Secondly, impeachment is about accountability and showing future presidents what actions will not be tolerated.

  21. Me,

    I like your comment. However, you have to realize that it was this administration that “…cannot see what your actions will cause the world in the long term.” No new elected president will pull out of Iraq straight-away. It’s too bad that you’re too short-sighted to realize this.

  22. Me,

    We are there as long as the American people are gullible enough to let our tax dollars provide military cover for Bechtel, Brown & Root, Blackwater and other Halliburton subsidiaries drastically overcharging the American taxpayer to do jobs to enable EXXON/Mobil and other oil mega-coporations to drain their oil from under Iraqi soil.

    News flash: It isn’t about terrorism, it is about profits.


  23. I think he’s right. If we leave now, we might not possibly win a war again in our nations future. It’s a terrible outlook, but it’s the reality. It’s also true that this is become Vietnam. It’s a huge mess, but one we created and we need to stay in so we can figure out. I’m all for a different approach, even one more logical and under a new President. Not all leftist want to cut and run, some of us still believe in Moderation.

  24. and we’re gonna make it stable? by killing almost 800,000 people? (men, women, and children)

    about 2,000 people died 9/11. if a dirty bomb went off in times square it would only kill an estimated 20,000 people. not even close to wat we’ve done with years of bunker-busters and cluster bombs.

    lets leave…hope for the best and expect the worst. after what bush did in iraq i personaly think we owe muslim americans a big “thank you” for watching THIER country (yes i mean the good old USA) follow a christian conservative terrorist president into a war that 70% of americans were against.

  25. Hey Me, just like the communist took over Asia when we left Vietnam. Your right, nobody else knows how to run their own affairs. We gotta stay the course just like King George did in 1776.

  26. Idiot. If we leave Iraq the middle east will be a far far bigger mess tomorrow and for a long long time. You only see what is happening now but cannot see what your actions will cause the world in the long term. We’re there. Deal with it. We cannot leave until Iraq is stable.

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