Bush’s New US Attorney a Criminal?

BBC Television had exposed 2004 voter attack scheme by apointee Griffin, a Rove aide. Black soldiers and the homeless targeted.

by Greg Palast, gregpalast.com

There’s only one thing worse than sacking an honest prosecutor. That’s replacing an honest prosecutor with a criminal.

There was one big hoohah in Washington yesterday as House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers pulled down the pants on George Bush’s firing of US Attorneys to expose a scheme to punish prosecutors who wouldn’t bend to political pressure.

But the Committee missed a big one: Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove’s assistant, the President’s pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000 citizens prior to the 2004 election.



  1. If it can be proven Bush was trying to fix the election, he should be the first President in history to be arrested and hauled out of the White House to lock up to await trial.

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