Impeachment will succeed if Dems show up for work…

Etopia News – Asked about the bill’s prospects on the New Mexico State Senate floor, Mr. Brown said, “If we can get all the Democrats to show up, I think it has a reasonable chance of passing.” He said (at around 1 pm PST) that it should be known “in a few hours” where the bill will be heard tomorrow.
Mr. Brown also provided these points of contact for those interested in weighing in on the question of the impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney:
“If they just want to put their name down in support on the list, they can call 505-986-4380.”
For talking points in discussing SJM 5 with legislators, they can call Desi Brown at 505-256-0668 or e-mail him at
listen to today’s Impeachment Channel interview with Desi Brown
You can listen to that conversation with Desi Brown by clicking on the appropriate “PLAY” button in the “2 impeachment line-up” on the Impeachment Channel.(Read More)