Massachusetts to Impeach Bush?

IfP’s Boston Chapter has been exchanging emails with one of their State Reps:
Massachusetts State Representative Denise Provost: by dulles

        I have been exchanging e-mails with my Massachusetts Commonwealth Representative Denise Provost (27th Middlesex District) urging her to take the lead on replicating the action that's been taken in New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington. You can read the conversation for yourself! It looks as though her first line of defense was the Cheney threat. Her second seems to be her own work-load. At any rate, it does look like she has potential to do the right thing.

        Contact Denise Provost at <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a> and ask her to assemble a group of co-sponors for this resolution! You can also call her at (617) 722 2810.

        Furthermore, you can e-mail your Massachusetts local representative and ask them to support impeachment! Details here.

Subject: A plea from a constituent
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 18:10:56 -0500

Representative Provost

I urge you to introduce into the Massachusetts legislature articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. According to the federal House rules (“Jefferson’s Manual”), impeachment may be set in motion by the passage of articles of impeachment in any state’s legislature.

Please help us join New Mexico, Washington, and Vermont. We must hold our elected officials accountable and prove to our nation that the democracy still functions. Let us not allow politics to shadow what is truly a constitutional crisis.

Your constituent,
Aaron Dulles-Coelho
163 Elm St. #1
Somerville, MA 02144

Subject: RE: A plea from a constituent
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 15:40:59 -0500

Mr. Aaron Dulles-Coelho
163 Elm Street, #1
Somerville, MA 02144

Dear Mr. Dulles-Coelho

Thank you for taking the time to contact me with your opinion regarding the introduction of legislation to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney. The possibility of impeaching President Bush is an alluring and intriguing concept. However, as a practical matter, I fear the following outcome: a successful impeachment of President Bush and his replacement by Vice President Cheney. Would this be an improvement over the current situation?

Instead of immediately introducing impeachment legislation that could lead to this undesirable result, I suggest that we wait to see if Vice President Cheney retains his position after the trial of Mr. Libby has run its course. In the interim, if you have not already done so, I would encourage you to read a book that I recently read: “The Impeachment of George W. Bush” by former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman. The case for impeachment of the President is indeed strong, but I believe that a President Cheney would be a frightening replacement.

Thank you again for taking the time to let me know what is important to you. I encourage you to contact my office with any other concerns or questions that you may have, on this or any other issue.

Warm Regards,

Denise Provost

Denise Provost
State Representative, 27th Middlesex
State House, room 167
Phone: 617-722-2810

Fax: 617-626-0561

[email protected]

Subject: Re: A plea from a constituent
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 18:39:24 -0500

Representative Provost,

I thank you very deeply for taking the time to give much a well written response – many who claim to “represent” me have not done so.

I might suggest to you that as a practical matter, Mr. Cheney can easily be included in the articles of impeachment. New Mexico’s legislation includes Mr. Cheney [1], as does Washington’s [2]. Unfortunately Vermont’s resolution [3] does not.


I might suggest to you that any serious investigation would implicate both Mssrs. Bush and Cheney. My only concern, which is distant, is that Cheney might first resign, Bush could appoint a puppet successor, and then following Bush’s removed, that puppet could come into office.

The opportunity for that particular action is real but, I think, improbable. Cheney is as culpable as anyone else. I think the realistic outcome is Nancy Pelosi as president.

At any rate, any success to the office of president would be dealt an immensely difficult hand whereby they would be all but forced to make their administration’s decisions transparent and thoughtful.

I therefore continue to urge you to consider such legislation as would restore a sense of dignity to the White House. Will you introduce such legislation as might bring some justice to bear upon the administration that has directly and negatively impact your district?

Aaron Dulles-Coelho
163 Elm St. #1
Somerville, MA 02144

Subject: RE: A plea from a constituent
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 16:46:12 -0500

Dear Mr. Dulles-Coelho:

Thank you for writing. The bill filing deadline was January 10. We can file what are aptly called “late file bills,” but this spring, I will be busy with the bills I already filed, the budget process, and committee hearings.

Are you familiar with the book I mentioned? What do you think are the strongest arguments for impeachment?

Also, it would be helpful if you could provide me with copies of the legislation filed in other states.

Warm regards,

Denise Provost
State Representative, 27th Middlesex
State House, room 167
Phone: 617-722-2810

Fax: 617-626-0561

[email protected]

Subject: Re: A plea from a constituent
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007

Representative Provost,

It looks like you’re getting a quick response this time — your message just came in as I was making some notes on my blog about local efforts to start impeachment in the Mass legislature.

I am not familiar with that particular book. My personal investigation into this administration has included most popular media, the Daily Kos blog, After Downing, Impeach for, Fiasco by Thomas Ricks, and a collection of essays called “Impeach the President”, edited by Thomas Loo. However when time permits — which is to say, when I finish with the last-mentioned book — I will be looking for that one next.

If you will re-read my previous e-mail you will see links to the resolutions introduced in New Mexico, Washington, and Vermont. Here they are again for your notes: New Mexico [1], Washington [2], and Vermont [3].


As for arguments for impeachment, I think these have been better articulated by some people much brighter than I am. However here’s a brisk attempt at outlining my own reasons:

  • I believe that the Libby verdict (guilty as of today) is indicative of deeper misdeeds in the administration. Statements such as “Vice President advised defendant that the President specifically had authorized defendant to disclose certain information in the NIE.” [4] demand further scrutiny.
  • There is serious and important evidence showing that Bush intentionally mislead the American public and Congress into the Iraq War [5], [6]
  • Bush has confessed to violating the Foreign Service Intelligence Act [7], [8] and has alleged that a) his permit to invade Afganistan allowed him to do so (it did not) and that the secret FISA courts are too slow (they can operate retroactively for up to 72 hours!)

[6] See the first several chapters (esp. 3,4,5) of Fiasco, by Thomas E. Ricks

  • Evidence shows that this administration has purposefully allowed numerous Geneva Convetion violations to exist. The Geneva Convention is US law by section 2441 of the US Military Code on War Crimes). [9]. It is widely known that hundreds of people have been held without charge or access to legal aid at Guantanamo Bay. Furthermore, allegations of torturous acts continue to pile in. See links [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], and [15].


I strongly believe that now, perhaps unlike ever before, we must truly look past party politics and the risks of taking the lead. We need true leaders to take the lead. I am asking you to look beyond your concerns and ask yourself the fundamental question: With regards to the Bush/Cheney administration, am I actively pursuing what I believe is right?

I cannot but imagine that there is a strong base of supporters who would gladly co-sponsor this resolution with you.

Aaron Dulles-Coelho

P.S.: This post (along with most of the other impeachment posts on here) was knocked down immediately on despite a majority support for impeachment. This article has been locked on zero almost immediatley upon it being submitted. What forces are at work?

P.P.S.: This article has now been “unlocked” at Reddit.


  1. Don’t give up in New Mexico. The more pressure to put it back into discussion the better. Insist that your lawmakers represent your will and not cave in to National Democratic Party pressure.

  2. I hope MA doesn’t replicate NM’s action, which failed after heavy pressure from national Dem leadership. We had a well-written bill here.

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