NY Town passes Impeachment Resolution

By CASEY CAMPBELL, Cooperstown Crier — Calls for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were widely applauded at a town meeting Sunday in Cooperstown’s Templeton Hall. … Kuzminski read a resolution that was passed around at the meeting and signed by nearly all of the attendees which calls for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney for a host of violations against the U.S. Constitution. … Kuzminski said the petition will be sent to Reps. Michael Arcuri, D-Utica [(202) 225-3665/E-mail], and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-Hudson [(202) 225-5614/E-mail]. Michael Whaling of Sharon Springs said local efforts in support of impeachment were important because if enough towns and municipalities around the country passed them, the effect would snowball and force Republicans to consider removing Bush from office. … (More)

1 Comment

  1. Thankfully there really are people out there who are not asleep. Now, if we could just get this kind of momentum going down here in the bible belt, this may actually snowball faster that it currently is going.

    Thank you, people of NY. I am trying to get the same kind of movement happening here in TN, but meeting a lot a resistance from programmed die hard religious zealots. I’ll keep up the fight here, maybe we’ll meet in the middle.

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