Oregon Dems Pass Impeachment Resolution

Democrats called for investigation into the Bush Administration’s misrepresentations to the American people and to Congress in the run up to the Iraq War, and impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. Passed at the March 10th meeting of the State Central Committee, the resolution was sponsored by John F. Bradach, Sr., whose nephew Travis Bradach-Nall was killed in Iraq the day George said “Bring ’em on.” (More)


  1. Hooray for Oregon! I am an Oregonian, a FORMER Republican (I switched sides when Bush was elected). I’m proud of my Legislature for taking this step. I, for one, am tired of opening the paper and seeing the face of someones loved one who has died in this irresponsible, ill-advised and illegal “war.” This is George Bush’s war, not Americas, and it is time for America to stop having to pay the price which, under this administration, just gets higher every day. It’s been said lately that the people have lost faith in this administration; we did, a long time ago. We cannot move forward with this administration, and to do less than this would cause further damage to this country.

  2. a ya i think we should impeach bush the only reason why where in war is eather because of oil which is i think one of the reasons and because when his dad was president he pull out of war when fighting iraq so he doesnt want to pull out hes trying to finish what his dad started

  3. Jimmy M., your comment is right on the money. I know and live with some in that 30%. They almost certainly will not budge … not in the immediate future anyway. The ones I know are hardcore christians, and would prefer to think that “the rapture is almost upon us” rather than consider possibly trying to fix the situation by removing Bush and Cheney from public office. I’m not kidding.

  4. Greetings from the Land of Impeachment,where unfortunately our initiative
    failed,due to 9 Democratic senators who voted against the bill.This is what we’re
    up against,craven status quo weasels on our team.Hope that you Oregonians
    support the impeachment bill with the kind of pressure that it will need;I’m
    the Poet Laureate of Camp Casey,Cindy Sheehan’s pro peace group.I’m including
    here an impeachment poem that I wrote in both word docs and an mp3 of me reading
    it,for anyone in your alliance to use—on the air,in local papers,and copies to
    the people who will be voting on the bill.
    Oops,I don’t see how to attach my poem to this form.Send me an email address
    and I,ll get it to you;here’s an excerpt:
    If you believe in the rule of law,
    You see that we must impeach,
    Because if Little King George gets away with his crimes,
    Our apathy will teach’
    That the presidents who are yet to come
    That they can do as they will,
    Such as leading us off to insane wars
    And the rivers of blood that they spill

    The White House isn’t the Reich House,
    It’s the house of all the people,
    And on it’s roof the Neoconmen
    Have erected a bloody,fascist steeple
    They claim that God’s on their side
    That’s a hell of a laugh
    Because it’s clear that they worship The Golden Calf

    They’ve squandered our nation’s treasure’
    And sent our children to a firey Hell
    Impeach these criminals is the people’s cry
    Let’s get rid of the sulpherous smell.

    Hope I hear back from you,Thanks,Rick

  5. Bush has rock-solid support from thirty percent of the public. Bush could drag his wife into the middle of the street and slit her throat on live television, and he’d STILL have that thirty percent. They’d find some way to blame Laura’s murder on Bubba Bill Clinton. I’m not defending Bush or that thirty percent. I’m just saying it’s a fact. They will NOT be persuaded, no matter what. Democrats and fair-minded Republicans will either find courage to act in the face of that thirty percent, or they’ll let government of our country go to the fascist minority. There is no middle way.

  6. No Mikael, The Oregonians Democrats are saying it’s time to reinstate the rule of law, which has been totally decimated by the current administration. But maybe you are one of those who think what makes this country great is power, not principles. Not so. Lydia

    [ Lydia, thank you for your comment. I am actually one of the co-founders of ImpeachforPeace.org and was being a bit facetious. I will be proud to wear a tin foil hat, a tie-dyed shirt, get Cartman AND Beavis tattooed on each of my four cheeks and change my name legally to “Moonbat” if it will help bring the criminals in the White House to justice. Sorry about the cornfusion! ~ Mikael (I AM NOT CORNHOLIO!!!) ]

  7. A person who supports this military conflict and cannot see the absolute necessity of impeachment is either mentally handicapped, morally defunct, or has a nude picture of Cartman tattooed on his backside.

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