Philadelphia Group Seeks Impeachment

Philadelphia Daily Local — A group of local activists is working to encourage Congress to introduce articles of impeachment for President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
Gordon Bennett, the coordinator of the Chester County Movement to Impeach said the effort grew out of a general frustration and anger at administration policies.
“It’s a justice issue, that the administration has committed impeachable offenses, starting with the Iraq war,” Bennet said.
Bennett says he realized that something could be done when he spent several hours at the Coatesville Post Office and gathered 60 signatures in support of impeachment of the president. Last week, a general meeting was held to inform residents of the group’s activities and the reasons it sees for a discussion of the issue. … It lists a variety of offenses that fit into “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors” that the Constitution requires for articles of impeachment — many of which are related to the war in Iraq. … Now is the time, Bennett says, to “build the momentum we need to get these characters out of the White House.” (More)


  1. In Vermont, at least forty towns at town meeting have passed resolutions calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. A resolution based on section 603 of the Jefferson Manual, which outlines procedures for the House of Representatives, is now on the table in that state. Here is a script for a radio commercial that is currently running on, I believe, eight radio stations in Vermont:

    Gaye Symington has done some good things as our Speaker of
    the House. But right now, she’s ignoring both the majority of Vermonters
    and her Constitutional duty. She’s keeping Joint Resolution 15,
    requesting the investigation and impeachment of the worst president in
    our history, bottled up in Committee. She won’t even allow legislators to
    discuss it. Ask your legislator to tell the Speaker we want the House to
    vote on the impeachment resolution. More information on

  2. I say full speed ahead! I believe that in order for the American people to feel as if they truly do have a voice in the governing of this place we all call or at least used to call the Greatest country in the world, then we have to let the rest of the world see that we are not to proud to to send our ‘Commander in Chief’ to jail for crimes he knowingly committed against his people, for the betterment of a few. How backwards would this country appear to be if we allow Clinton to impeached for a crime that while yes may have been embarassing, could hardly be compared to the rotting Economical, Global, and Emotional state that Bush and his cronies have forced all of us to endore for the last six years. Now if that does not call for Impeachment I dare wonder what do we as Americans of the ‘Almighty America’ stand for?

  3. Dave W,

    It would seem that this is the method we see being employed. We of IFP are not necessarily against impeaching from the bottom up rather than the top down.

    I would personally not want to be the one who explains to the parents of the last soldier to die in Iraq if I were a national Democrat taking my political time to bring this all about, however.

  4. I don’t see any way to start fixing the problems created by this incompetent, self-centered, criminal regime until we first impeach at least Bush and Cheney. I think that action will start a renewed faith in the United States political situation and will permit us to put into power people who will work for the good of the people…all the people instead of a chosen few.
    Impeach Bush and Cheney immediately. Begin immediate withdrawl of all combat troops from Iraq. Stop construction on any permanent military bases. Offer heartfelt apologies to the Iraqi people. Work with the countries in the area to help them help Iraq to stabilize.

  5. You people have more balls then our phony elected.
    Good luck and God bless each one of you true Americans.

  6. Impeachment of Cheney and Bush is not the way to go. Great article by John Dean on FindLaw.
    Impeach his Cabinet. It’s faster. AND It bleeds the Administration like a slaughtered cow. Leaving no support, no protection and a quick defection of the remaining rats in the W House. The result at the end of the presidency, the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States and the best legacy to be advertised in the new Bush Library, next to Gitmo.

  7. I love Philly. Lived there for many years. I know they would do the right thing. First they boot out the Sanctimonious, then they come up with this.
    Love Philly.

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