[UPDATE] Impeachment Resolution likely to pass in New Mexico…

Democracy for New Mexico – … Steve Terrell’s Legislature Blog:
“He believes Senate Joint Resolution 5, which calls for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, will pass the Senate by a party-line vote. Although earlier in the session he said he didn’t back the resolution, he said tonight that he’d probably vote for it. His earlier opposition wasn’t over the merits of the resolution, but because of his questions whether the state Legislature was the proper place for it.” (Read More)


  1. ‘a joint resolution in a state legislature’, they might get 20 to 30 seconds on one network newscast. why don’t they all go out on the lawn, face east, and flip bush the bird? just as effective.
    how about a law pulling all state funding from federal mandates? that would get some attention. how about the governor and/or the mayors telling the feds to f-off? and do it every day until the press has to pay attention.
    all this ‘non-binding’ resolution crap is just grand-standing for the local constituents.

  2. Kezerd,

    Actually, what New Mexico is doing is much more than grandstanding. According the rules of the House of Representatives including the Jefferson’s Manual as ratified once again with the opening of the 110th Congress, if a State passes a Resolution of Impeachment, it must be discussed and debated on the floor of the House of Representatives.

    The 109th Congress would never have allowed the discussion to occur – and didn’t in fact – when Cynthia McKinney introduced articles of Impeachment of Bush, Cheney and Rice as her final, truly patriotic act as a Representative.

    The 110th should be slightly more open to it, now that the Democrats have taken over the majority, but that is dependent on We the People making it very clear that taking justice ‘off the table’ is not an option.

  3. Isn’t it interesting that the “dispossessed left wing fringe”, otherwise known as the Progressive Movement both inside the Democratic Party and outside, were the candidates that made up the bulk of those elected to replace the real politically dispossessed last November: such as loyalist Bush supporters like George Allen and Tom DeLay.

    What is really happening is that a Populist Movement – call it Radical Centrism – that insists on peace whenever possible, environmental sanity, fair trade, the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights being upheld as well as the Geneva Accords (which are American law, by the way) and that justice be applied to those in office with multiple crimes and misdemeanors, etc. – is gathering steam and building momentum.

    We are not the minority, so let’s stop acting like it. INSIST upon the things that we believe in and accept nothing less from our government.

  4. Obbie’s sadly not going to know that (s)he just got owned – Obbie won’t be back. But still, a contribution is a contribution. So let’s respect the fact one has been made and debate it. I for one feel a valid point has been made by Obbie:

    “New Mexico – Home of the dispossessed left wing fringe.” – Now, I’m not a US citizen, but I have been alive on Earth for the last five years. ‘Dispossessed’ is *exactly* the right word, isn’t it? Obbie’s hit the nail on the head here – unless, Obbie, you believe George W Bush was rightly elected?
    Discuss, Obbie. Discuss.

  5. As a New Mexico resident, I for one will be proud of our legislature if the resolution passes. I do not know one single person in my area who is against this resolution.

    Go ahead and call me the “dispossessed left wing fringe”, it is a label that bothers me a whole lot less than “murderer” or worse; “radioactive” which may apply to all of us if this madness isn’t stopped.

    – Dr. S., Taos, NM

  6. Obbie,

    Why is it that those that support this NeoCon cabal who are destroying our nation, such as yourself, are only capable of ‘hit and run’ dime store ‘swift boat’ attack snippets on our site?

    We welcome any kind of reasonable debate and discussion and hope to engage those who are not aware of the crimes and misdemeanors committed by Bush/CheneyCo. in a meaningful discussion leading to deeper understanding and knowledge.

    But alas and alack… cheap shot hit and runs are all you reveal yourself to be capable of. Am I wrong?

    If you have more to say and are capable of an actual reasonable debate and discussion please respond.

    ~ Mikael

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