Why Dick and Nancy Will Not Become President via Impeachment

Dick Cheney for president.”

A second argument is that impeachment could never happen because even if Bush and Cheney were removed, it would mean Nancy Pelosi would become president, and Republicans would never allow this to happen.

Some who raise these issues may be genuinely horrified at the prospect of a Cheney presidency (though we really already have that), and may also be genuine in thinking that there could never be an impeachement that would change control of the White House from one party to the other. But I get the feeling that many of those who raise these objections to impeachment simply don’t want to deal with impeaching the president. Certainly the Cheney canard has been quietly raised by many in the Democratic leadership to explain their shameful inaction in defense of the Constitution in the face of Bush’s many grave crimes and abuses of power.

So let me knock these two bogus concerns down once and for all. 



1 Comment

  1. Years and years of corruption are taking its toll on this country. American’s are sick of the lies. Every time a lie is uncovered, several new ones emerge. It is mind boggling to watch scandle after scandle appear. White House officials convicted, and now our very own Attorney General caught in his lies. The time has come and the time is now, Please George.W.Bush will you please go now!!

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