Worldwide Bush Impeachment Protests Erupt…

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In addition to tens of thousands that protested for impeachment in Washington D.C. today, protests were taking place around the world to show solidarity against Bush’s illegal war.
BBC- … Spain’s protests were the largest in Europe, with some estimates putting the number of people taking part at 100,000. … In the Turkish city of Istanbul, more than 3,000 took part in protests, carrying signs reading “Bush go home” and “We are all Iraqis”. … Hundreds also gathered to voice their opposition to the Iraq war in the Spanish cities of Seville, Cadiz and Granada as well as the European capital cities of Athens, Copenhagen and Rome. In Australia, small demonstrations were held in both Sydney and Melbourne. (Read More)

In addition, the wars proponents showed up in Washington D.C. to show solidarity with Bush. Many who joined them were believed to be member of Patriots for Corporate Rights. More can be found at their website:


  1. If the United States were invaded and occupied to overthrow Bush, would that mean that anyone who fights the occupiers is a terrorist?

    Just want to be clear who I am.

    If I collaborate with the enemy, help them loot the country, point out people that I don’t like to be tortured to death in legal black holes, then that makes me part of the young struggling democracy here, right?

    And if I decide to help bomb schoolbuses filled with “leftists” in Mexico, that makes me an ally in the war against terrorism, right?

    I’ve been watching how it works over in Iraq and Iran, and this seems to be the criteria.

  2. it seems strange when other countries around the world rally to impeach our president because of his atrocities, yet, we still, in our own country where we actually have the right to continue to do nothing to move toward this.

    maybe someone will liberate us from out tyrant of a ruler…

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