How Desperate is ‘W’ to Save Gonzo? Laura Bush Parrots GOP Talking Points

capt2f0413ad3a5646d1935ff2a59e6d0352laura_bush_dchg103.jpgtherawstory by Ron Brynaert
Laura Bush on Iraq: ‘No one suffers more than their president and I do’

Laura Bush said that not only was Gonzales “a very good friend” but that also “been a very good attorney general.”

“One other thing that I want to say is that nothing was done that was wrong,” Laura Bush added. “Maybe there was — it was not communicated very well. But actually, what the Justice Department did with the firing of U.S. attorneys is within the purview and the authority of both the Justice Department and the president.”

Curry asked, “And if he loses his job as a result of this, if he must resign?”

“Well, I’ll be very disappointed and sad,” Bush said. “And it’ll be a loss for the United States, I think.”

(Original Article)

1 Comment

  1. Laura Bush on Iraq: “No one suffers more than their president and I do”

    BULLSHIT this prozac filled stepford wife has no clue what “suffers” is.

    Maybe she should attend a funeral of a soldier & look in the eyes of that soldier’s kids. Then she might have a clue what it is to suffer!

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