Response to Biden’s Comments on Impeachment…

IfP’s Jodin Morey — Quotes from

Iowa Delaware Senator Joe Biden says a case could be made to impeach President Bush.

Of course.

But he says that would be impractical and possibly create unintended consequences.

Since when is accountability impractical? How does he define impractical? Is a criminal justice system impractical? Is he saying it will take too long? Nixon resigned after two months of impeachment hearings. Clinton was impeached after 6 months. Unintended consequences? Does he mean politically? So, Biden would rather win elections than do what’s right for the country? I believe the public is willing to throw additional support to any party that holds our elected officials accountable for their actions. This has been historically true with every single impeachment effort launched. And this impeachment effort would begin with majority support (unlike most past impeachments, including Nixon).

He says impeaching Bush would be bad politics — and possible create the unintended consequence of creating President Cheney.

The most recent impeachment resolution introduced by McKinney included Bush, Cheney, and Rice. Although, even if we only initially pursue Bush, initiating the impeachment process will lead to an investigation that will implicate lots of people in the Bush administration who are guilty of committing crimes, including Cheney.

In addition, no matter who we get to replace Bush, we’ll be showing those in power that anyone who breaks the law will be held accountable.

Biden also says the nation’s reputation abroad would not be repaired until there is a new president and Bush policies are abolished or altered. He says Bush has squandered the opportunity to unite and lead the world and has left the U-S less safe from tyranny and terrorism.

Indeed, but his conclusion is that despite all this, he should sit on his hands and let Bush continue to kill troops and Iraqis abroad, and eliminate our Constitutional rights at home while ignoring his oath of office to defend the Constitution.


  1. July 4, 2007
    A Patriot’s Message
    The hammer falls on the Constitution of the United States of America. Our freedom and Democracy, our sovereignty as a nation is coming to an end.
    The politically appointed neoconservatives in Justice sneer at Habeas Corpus; Geneva Convention; worker, consumer and investor protection; education; affirmative action; individual rights and “entitlements” like Social Security and health care.
    The corporate neo-con conspirators (Establishment) have their own agenda of a New World Order; W.T.O; N.A.F.T.A; immigration; globalization and “free trade”; military seizure of foreign oil fields; employing a private army of mercenaries and propagandist; “dealing” with Afghanistan Opium drug lords harboring Osama Bin Laden and financing Al Qaeda.
    The ideal corporate model is “Communism” where individual freedom and democracy are mute. The board of directors rule. The corporate neo-cons hate our regulatory government, Constitution and Individual Rights.
    Our Federal Government is purposely bankrupt by war/trade debt and the ideal corporate nation, China, are carrying trillions of dollars of our debt. Communist China and their junior corporate American partner’s technically own the”U.SA” resulting in “Globalization” and loss of sovereignty. Mission accomplished. The surge strategy is not to win the war but to pump oil and further indebt U.S.A to Communist China. Patriots, sign on! Impeach Bush, Cheney and nullify their Supreme Court appointments!

  2. Also please understand, Impeachment is a political action, not a criminal one. The maximum punishment is removal from office. They can’t be jailed by Congress. To see the Thugs face justice and incarceration (my fondest wish), they must be indicted in the courts, by the Justice Department, most likely FBI, see the problem?
    A failed impeachment (and no president has ever been successfully impeached) would prevent indictments from being sought, these bas+ards will get away clean.
    None of US want THAT to happen.

  3. “…impractical and possibly create unintended consequences”
    (let me start by saying that I’m not a fan of Joe Biden, not here to defend him)
    Impractical: Impeachment takes not only a long period of time, but the cooperation of 2/3 of Congress. We only have half. So Far. The GOP congressmen have demonstrated their skill at obstructing the majority, even on something as easy as a Sense of Congress on the War. As soon as the word Impeachment is spoken, the GOP pull their wagons into a circle and go into partisan defense mode. Causing:
    Unintended Consequences: Six months of raucus impeachment proceedings, GOP witnesses lying under oath and the GOP members of the impeachment commitees blocking anyone from calling them on it, partisanship raised to it’s ugliest zenith, if it wins in the House, it’ll be a squeeker. Then the Senate Republicans will kill it (it takes 18 Republican Senators to sustain).
    Once it’s killed in the Senate, The Thugs exonerated and the convicted thugs pardoned, the Media will convince everyone that this proves the GOP right and the Left, wrong.
    And don’t think that we can counter that message. We won’t be allowed anywhere near live mics or cameras.
    Whoever the GOP runs will be greatly helped and the Democratic nominee will be destroyed, the WhiteHouse and Congress will go back into GOP hands and the Dark Ages will ensue.
    Meanwhile, under the radar, Impeachment is going forward, it’s just not called that yet.
    Look at Henry Waxman’s Commitee Hearings, Pat Leahy’s Senate Hearings, these are exactly what would have to be done during an impeachment, they are underway. And the Evidence is piling up. Better yet, Republicans on the commitees and in the Senate are starting to see enough of what is happening to start waking up. Four so far, fourteen to go. Abu Gonzales is opening some eyes on the R side of the aisle.
    All of this is being done inclusive of the Republicans, they are 49% of the Senate, they can’t be overpowered or ignored. If the impeachment proceedings were formalized, their cooperation would end, their openness to evidence would evaporate, they would form up their partisan club and beat us with it again.
    Keep the Investigations and Hearings going.
    The crimes that are being revealed are convincing people, in and out of DC, what kind of crooks these guys are, that it’s not just Bush, not even Bush and Cheney, it’s a gang of about forty to fifty top misAdministrators (some, like John Yee, were never in office, some, like Wolfowitz, have been and gone, Perle, likewise). It’s being approached almost like a RICO investigation rolls up a crime family by working from the edges to the center.
    Where we should be concentrating Impeachment efforts is at the State and City level. Vermont had townhall meetings where twenty three towns voted to impeach, Maine, Massachusetts and Washington have bills in their State Houses. This is a great grass roots level strategy because 1) it’s an issue that can gather local people together, 2) Once it’s passed, Lawmakers in DC will see this over their shoulder and know what their constituents want, know what they face, next election, if they blow this and 3) It can not be ignored by the Media and it’s hard to twist.
    But for now, the WORD Impeachment is OFF the Table.(even as impeachment is ongoing)
    Stay Tuned.

  4. But if we impeach Cheney, then we’ll get Bush as president.

    But seriously folks, as I’ve written on the main page…
    The most recent impeachment resolution introduced by McKinney included Bush, Cheney, and Rice. Although, even if we only initially pursue Bush, initiating the impeachment process will lead to an investigation that will implicate lots of people in the Bush administration who are guilty of committing crimes, including Cheney.

    As a popular movement, we believe that the strategy of going after both of them right off the bat would bring nay-sayers to the table asking for the evidence against Cheney. Not that there isn’t evidence, but the evidence is less known, and more of it is hidden. This would only make our case less clear, and cause less people to be approving of it. More people agree about the need to impeach Bush, than about the need to impeach both of them. And, since the evidence against Cheney would come out in any trial against Bush, we find it strategically unnecessary to include him initially.

    In addition, no matter who we get to replace Bush, we’ll be showing those in power that anyone who breaks the law will be held accountable.

  5. This is interesting, but misses the point. Cheney is the guy who should be the first domino to fall. Let’s be realistic-Bush doesn’t have more than a toad’s IQ but Cheney does the thinking in the administration. Rice has absolutely no qualifications for her job and is totally a fish out of water. She’ll continue to fail in her post. Cheney is the target.

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