Conyers endorses national effort to impeach Bush, Cheney — U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., said Tuesday he supports a national effort calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, but stopped short of pledging to take action to back it.

“I’ve been supportive of that movement,” said Conyers, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee that would lead impeachment hearings. “I encourage that nationwide.” (More)

Send Conyers and your Michigan Reps Do-It-Yourself Impeachments!


  1. With each passing day we are carried further and further away from anything resembling a democracy.The Dems,well they sit and wring their hands and piss and moan and then sit back and watch Bush fuck things up further.Why?Because they’re all in bed together folks,thats why.A third party is very much needed right now.A third party with a spine,no serpents please,we already have far to many of them.

  2. Mr. Conyers, though admirable in his stand for impeachment, may just be pacifying his constituents who favor it. There is a plan that backs up a petition by placing power in the hands of citizens and not politicians. It’s called PledgeToImpeach.

    It works similar to a labor strike. The people threaten to stay away from work (sick days, etc.) and not patronize stores. They may not strike, but they should be willing to if necessary. It works if people sign up.
    Go to: PledgeToIMpeach.ORG.
    Read the Plan – Sign the Pledge – Spread the Word

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