Is your Senator or Representative a Chickenhawk War Enabler?

Bush is king.

The Democrats are horseshit.

Every member of congress who voted to continue funding this illegal war of aggression and profit does not represent the will of the American people and should be barraged with calls from their constituents in protest – especially those new Democrats who were put into office to do two things:

1). End the corruption in D.C. (some headway is being made in investigations).
2). End the war (nothing has been done or is being done except capitulation and appeasement).

There is only one means by which to accomplish both effectively and rapidly.



House Roll Call on War Spending Bill
Published: May 24, 2007
Filed at 9:39 p.m. ET

The 280-142 roll call Thursday by which the House passed an Iraq war spending bill.

A yes vote is a vote to pass the bill.

Voting yes were 86 Democrats and 194 Republicans.

Voting no were 140 Democrats and two Republicans.

X denotes those not voting.

There are two vacancies in the 435-member House.

(Original Article)


  1. Melvin,

    You are spot on. Thank you for your service. My Dad enlisted in the Navy in 1945 and was in the Phillipines when WWII ended. I wear his dogtags in his memory.

    I pray for your son and grandson’s health and safety.

    You are so right. This war cannot be won be military means.

    Unfortunately, this war will not end with Bush/Cheney in office.


    It is our only option.

  2. (I am a 7 year army vet (60-66) with a son and a grandson in the army. This war is not winable by military means. It is time to bring the troops home.

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