Massachusetts Dems Pass LYM Call To Impeach Cheney

Executive Intelligence Review. — … When delegates heard that there would be debate during the convention on impeachment, their eyes got wide and they grabbed the clipboards, eager to sign, urging their friends to sign as well. The response was similar on the housing resolution, not because every delegate understood what the solution was, but because this crisis has touched every citizen of Massachusetts; many people are very anxious about the current crisis, and the magnitude of what they sense is soon to come. … The passage of these two resolutions will have a national impact. The impeachment call will resonate with what has already been passed in Louisiana and California, and the housing resolution will especially resonate in Washington, with a lot of cross-fire between state officials such as Galvin, Coakley, and Governor Patrick, and members of the Congressional delegation, such as John Olver (D), the chair of the sub-committee on Affordable Housing, and especially Rep. Barney Frank (D), chair of the House Financial Services and Banking Committee. These Congressman in the past have claimed that the popular support is not there for such dramatic emergency measures described in this resolution; but, the passage of this resolution and the response from the community leaders of the Democratic Party proves that, in fact, the popular support exists. (More)

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