15 Congress Members for Impeachment

By David Swanson — Congressman Sam Farr (D., Calif.) is the latest member of Congress to respond to intense pressure from his constituents and co-sponsor H Res 333, articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney. The official list of co-sponsors at thomas.loc.gov includes 11 names, plus the original sponsor Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D., Ohio). That makes 12. In addition, Congressman Bob Filner (D., Calif.) has said he will sign on, and has said so publicly in media interviews including this one: http://www.atlantaprogressivenews.com/news/0189.html

That makes 13, or 14 with Farr. Then there is Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D., Ill.) who has not signed onto H Res 333 or introduced his own articles of impeachment against Cheney or Bush, but who recently released this statement:

“In her first weeks as leader of the Congress, Speaker Nancy Pelosi withdrew the notion of impeachment proceedings against either President Bush or Vice President Cheney [actually she did that 8 months earlier, and Jackson began parroting her line right away, but who’s counting]. With the president’s decision to once again subvert the legal process and the will of the American people by commuting the sentence of convicted felon Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, I call on House Democrats to reconsider impeachment proceedings. Lewis Libby was convicted of lying under oath to cover up the outing of active, undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame. It is beyond unthinkable that the president would undermine the legal process to protect a man who engaged in treason against the United States government, threatening the security of the American people. In November’s election, voters put Democrats in charge of Congress because they believed our pledge of oversight and accountability. Now it’s time for us to honor that pledge. The Executive Branch should be held responsible for its illegalities. Our democratic system is grounded in the principle of checks and balances. When the Executive Branch disregards the will of the people, our lawmakers must not be silent. Today’s actions, coupled with the president’s unwillingness to comply with Senate and House inquiries, leave Democrats with no other option than to consider impeachment so that we can gather the information needed to achieve justice for all Americans.”

If Jackson signs onto H Res 333, there will be 15 cosponsors.

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  1. July 4, 2007
    A Patriot’s Message
    The hammer falls on the Constitution of the United States of America. Our freedom and Democracy, our sovereignty as a nation is coming to an end.
    The politically appointed neoconservatives in Justice sneer at Habeas Corpus; Geneva Convention; worker, consumer and investor protection; education; affirmative action; individual rights and “entitlements” like Social Security and health care.
    The corporate neo-con conspirators (Establishment) have their own agenda of a New World Order; W.T.O; N.A.F.T.A; immigration; globalization and “free trade”; military seizure of foreign oil fields; employing a private army of mercenaries and propagandist; “dealing” with Afghanistan Opium drug lords harboring Osama Bin Laden and financing Al Qaeda.
    The ideal corporate model is “Communism” where individual freedom and democracy are mute. The board of directors rule. The corporate neo-cons hate our regulatory government, Constitution and Individual Rights.
    Our Federal Government is purposely bankrupt by war/trade debt and the ideal corporate nation, China, are carrying trillions of dollars of our debt. Communist China and their junior corporate American partner’s technically own the”U.S.A” resulting in “Globalization” and loss of sovereignty. Mission accomplished. The surge strategy is not to win the war but to pump oil and further indebt U.S.A to Communist China. Patriots, sign on! Impeach Bush, Cheney and nullify their Supreme Court appointments!

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