Cheney Determined To Strike In US With WMD This Summer

[Editor’s note: This is an opinion piece which includes the suggestion that Cheney should be impeached, which is why it is posted here. Tarpley’s speculation does not necessarily reflect the opinions of IFP]
Only Impeachment, Removal or General Strike Can Stop Him
By Webster G. Tarpley

A few days ago, a group of lawyers from western Massachusetts met with the local congressman, Democrat John Olver. Their request was that Olver take part in the urgent effort to impeach Bush and Cheney. Olver responded by saying that he had no intention of doing anything to support impeachment. He went further, offering the information that the United States would soon attack Iran, and that these hostilities would be followed by the imposition of a martial law regime here.

(Original Article)


  1. A nuclear bomb in L.A., that is to simplistic for the big dick and it would cause to much collateral damage. Cheney don’t care how many Americans die, but he doesn’t want to destroy any more real estate. After seeing the man with tuberculosis who flew from Atlanta to Paris, and then on to Greece, where he got married, before catching flights to Rome, Prague and Montreal and then driving into the United States. I think this was a forerunner for the dick’s next attack, a biological attack, maybe small pox. There probably is enough vaccine to protect blackwater and his corporate buddies !! This could kill millions and not harm a building. Now that’s a Cheney style plan !!

  2. i’d like to see the response for when someone finally calls out the democans about what pressing issues they need to deal with. they already voted to continue the war (hint: cutting off the money is the only way to stop it). they were elected to put a stop to this crazy administration, not to raise the minimum wage. perhaps these pressing issues are attacking iran?

    it occurs to me that if the neocons really are going to set up another terrorist attack on this country, especially one involving a nuclear bomb, it would probably be in LA. think about it – the west coast has been untouched, LA is a major city (sorry, but if they chose say portland, i think most people would think that was weird), and LA is so huge and sparse that the whole city wouldn’t be taken out.

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