House Speaker Pelosi tries to explain anti-impeachment stance

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The Nation
Why Pelosi Opposes Impeachment
Ari Berman

She is greatly disturbed by the lawlessness of this Administration and its contempt for checks and balances. “I take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, so it is a top priority for me and my colleagues to uphold that.” She notes the vigorous oversight hearings held by committee chairman like John Conyers and Henry Waxman.

But Pelosi sees impeaching Gonzales and his superiors as a distraction from the ambitious agenda she has crafted for the House. “If I can just hold my caucus together,” she says, “I can take them to this progressive place.”

(Original Article)


  1. Her top priorities are ending the war in Iraq, expanding health care, creating jobs and preserving the environment. Does she really think any of these causes can go anywhere while Bush still has veto power? Is Pelosi incapable of multitasking, or is preserving the Constitution not a priority? I personally think that Pelosi and the majority of congress, both Republicans and Democrats are cowards. They are afraid that if they go up against Bush and Cheney their kickbacks will dry-up!! They may think different when Blackwater is Goose-Stepping down main street USA!! I’m proud to be an American and I pledge allegiance to the Constitution, Not to Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Pelosi or any other person or group!!

  2. The way I see it the Speaker has cast one powerful vote for a new type of
    government where almost all power rests with the President, or by another name, KING!

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