Impeachment/Free Speech Protest in Kennebunkport, ME

Note the Portland, ME paper quotes two people: one a Bush supporter and the other simply irritated with the protester’s presence. Not one word from a protester:

By Noel K. Gallagher, Portland Press Herald

KENNEBUNKPORT — Protesters poured into this coastal resort town today for a demonstration near the site of President Bush’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Demonstrators by the hundreds were arriving in cars, on buses and riding bikes and converging on the town’s village green for the planned 1 p.m. rally. The crowd plans to march down Ocean Avenue, to a point near the site of the summit at the Bush family’s Walker’s Point compound.

(Original Article)


  1. July 4, 2007
    A Patriot’s Message
    The hammer falls on the Constitution of the United States of America. Our freedom and Democracy, our sovereignty as a nation is coming to an end.
    The politically appointed neoconservatives in Justice sneer at Habeas Corpus; Geneva Convention; worker, consumer and investor protection; education; affirmative action; individual rights and “entitlements” like Social Security and health care.
    The corporate neo-con conspirators (Establishment) have their own agenda of a New World Order; W.T.O; N.A.F.T.A; immigration; globalization and “free trade”; military seizure of foreign oil fields; employing a private army of mercenaries and propagandist; “dealing” with Afghanistan Opium drug lords harboring Osama Bin Laden and financing Al Qaeda.
    The ideal corporate model is “Communism” where individual freedom and democracy are mute. The board of directors rule. The corporate neo-cons hate our regulatory government, Constitution and Individual Rights.
    Our Federal Government is purposely bankrupt by war/trade debt and the ideal corporate nation, China, are carrying trillions of dollars of our debt. Communist China and their junior corporate American partner’s technically own the”U.SA” resulting in “Globalization” and loss of sovereignty. Mission accomplished. The surge strategy is not to win the war but to pump oil and further indebt U.S.A to Communist China. Patriots, sign on! Impeach Bush, Cheney and nullify their Supreme Court appointments!

  2. When I crossed the line I asked if they would arrest me. I got a slight shrug…so I crossed. They didn’t arrest us until they led us to a second barrier. I cant figure out why. Perhaps the first barrier was set up to keep us away from all the international media that was at the second point closer to Walker’s Point. If anyone on this site was part of organizing the march please contact me!!!
    I too was a bit disapointed, I thought more of the marchers would follow, lots of people were talking about it.

  3. Hi there,

    Yep, the media is covering up the truth again. Are they reporting that we had a permit to protest and the Biddeford Police actually escorted us through the area for the march? Nope! The media slants it to sound like we weren’t welcome. Only a few wackos didn’t like the idea of us protesting, but many of the families came out to greet us with smiles on their faces. I guess it doesn’t look good for the Bush family when neighbors come out of the multi-million dollar homes happy to see people protesting them!

    Here are some pics I took while there yesterday:

    The ROM (republican owned media) sucks turnips.

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