Rep. Shays (R-CT) scuffles with Police – Will this be handled like McKinney’s (D-GA) scuffle?

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shays300dpi.jpg mckinney.jpg[Editor’s note: In late March of last year, then-Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was involved in a dispute with a Capitol police officer. Thursday, July 19th Representative Christopher Shays (R-CN) was involved in a dispute with a DC Capitol police officer. Shays is a white male Republican. McKinney is a black female Democrat. It is of interest to see how the police, the press and the American public handle these two apparently directly parallel incidents.]

By Jackie Kucinich
July 20, 2007
Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) apologized Friday for an altercation with a Capitol Police officer Thursday afternoon in which the lawmaker repeatedly swore at an officer and touched his nametag to read it before storming away.

Shays said in a statement that his frustration with the officer initially stemmed from trying to find a family of constituents that was caught in the rain. He described the interaction with the officer as “inappropriate.”

(Original Article)

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  1. Mikael, Ned sent an eMail a few days ago, He’s helping to stand up an organization to help challenge candidates get some backing, ActBlue. It’s an offshoot of the effort to seat Paul Hackett.
    This is one rich guy that is thinking and acting outside of his class interest. Would have made a great Senator.

  2. Thanks for the correction CV. I fixed it immediately.

    “Lie berman” is sand in the machinery of democracy, isn’t he? Why is it that citizens of Connecticut can’t seem to get up enough gumption to shed themselves of Joe the Demo… Indy… Repub?

    What is Ned Lamont up to? Laying low and licking his wounds? Positioning himself for another run against Joe “kissing bandit” Lie berman?

  3. Not to be too picky or anything, but Connecticut is abreviated CT.
    Sorry about Shays, he represents the other end of the state and I don’t know how much action there was against him last round. We had our hands full trying to dump Joe Lie berman and we did dump Rob Simmons. He should be history in the next election.

  4. August Red Alert!! Plot to overthrow the U.S.A and Constitution

    August 20, the criminals are meeting in Montebello, Quebec to plot the overthrow of the U.S.A and destroy our Constitution.
    Carry signs with Traitor, Impeach, or Treason printed on them.

    Impeach Bush! -North America Union- is Treason! News snuffed, Secret deal!! U.S.A ends 2010.
    Lying King George behind our backs and under the smoke of his own war has given the United States his legacy of Treason.
    The North America Union is being implemented without Congress consent or without any public vote or comment. North America Union replaces our Democratic Republic, United States of America; it will be fully implemented in 2010. When our soldiers come home from war, they will return to North America Union, not the United States of America, how are you going to explain that to them? King George has ruled that the U.S.A be abolished!!
    This is it folks, every American who has ever pledged their Allegiance to the Flag, every American who has pledged to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, has to step forward. Now!
    Demand your elected representatives to control this dictator and to bring him and his conspirators to Justice for Treason.
    Demand your Congress representatives to confirm their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America. Mark any neo-con Republican or Democrat who side with Bush and his North American Union as Traitors and run them out of office!! Now!
    July 4, 2007
    -A Patriot’s Message- The hammer falls on the Constitution of the United States of America. Our freedom and Democracy, our sovereignty as a nation is coming to an end (2010).
    The politically appointed neoconservatives in Justice sneer at Habeas Corpus; Geneva Convention; worker, consumer, investor and environment protection; education; affirmative action; individual rights and “entitlements” like Social Security and health care.
    The corporate neo-con conspirators (Establishment) have their own agenda of a New World Order; W.T.O; N.A.F.T.A; N.A.U; immigration; globalization and “free trade”; military seizure of foreign oil fields; employing a private army of mercenaries and propagandist; “dealing” with Afghanistan Opium drug lords harboring Osama Bin Laden and financing Al Qaeda.
    The ideal corporate model is “Communism” where individual freedom and democracy are mute. The board of directors rule. The corporate neo-cons hate our regulatory government, Constitution and Individual Rights.
    Our Federal Government is purposely bankrupt by war/trade debt and the ideal corporate nation, China, are carrying trillions of dollars of our debt. Communist China and their junior corporate American partner’s technically own the “U.S.A” resulting in “Globalization” and loss of sovereignty. Mission accomplished. The surge strategy is not to win the war but to pump oil and further indebt U.S.A to Communist China. Patriots, sign on! Impeach Bush, Cheney and nullify their Supreme Court appointments!
    Lawrence Baker (your name)
    (Your representatives)
    Sen. Boxer
    Sen. Feinstein
    Rep. Eshoo

    All representatives- We are starting a list. I demand that you reaffirm your allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America and begin impeachment procedure against Bush, Cheney. If you do not, you will be branded a traitor. You’re either with U.S or against U.S.
    Impeaching Bush, Cheney would not only save and cleanse the U.S.A but also bring our citizens together. Once again Americans would have pride and respect for their country. Impeachment of these neo-con criminals would vindicate the U.S.A with the rest of the world.
    If these evil criminals win, they rule with slavery, secrecy, lies, fear, hate, torture, terror and violence.
    Our Founding Fathers knew that this element would always try to destroy the U.S.A that is why we have a Constitution to keep this element in check. After 2010 under N.A.U. rule (after the people find out; neo-con corporate media guilty) there will be violence and war which will play into their hands, evil thrives in that environment.(Mexican Army)
    What about the economy? (shake, shake) our economy is already destroyed, the economy is an inside game. We can compete as Americans, after we purge our government of the traitor politicians; do not let their defeatist strategy scare you. We can do it! All we need is enough courage. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to get it done. DO IT NOW PEACEFULLY!!

  5. Glad to see that NeoCon apologists like ChrisT. are visiting I hope you learn something along the way, Bushie baby! The brown on your nose looks quite dashing alongside the brown of your shirt.

    Cynthia McKinney got her “comeuppance” (I am disappointed you didn’t just come out and call her an uppity n***er. That would at least be more honest and direct) because she was the only member of Congress who had the courage to directly confront and challenge the 9/11 Commission’s bullshit report.

    Nice try on comparing one black woman to another black woman and pretending that makes you ‘tolerant’. Why didn’t you compare Cynthia to Nancy Pelosi or Debbie Wasserman Schultz?…

    …Because in your puny little world view there are two kinds of human beings: those like you and those ‘others’. Please take your racist and moronic opinions to yourself until you can look at people equally without getting stuck on the color of their skin.

    All we are doing is proposing an ‘apples to apples’ compare and contrast: 2 Representatives have a conflict with Capitol Police so let’s see if they are treated differently based upon their race, gender or political party. Why is that so threatening to you?

    Before the results are even in you are jumping in with your heavily biased and bigoted opinions. Why don’t you just move south of Charlotte, NC and buy all the Confederate flags you want? You could even put up a “Whites only” sign on your business and get by just fine in Alabama or East Texas. You and George W. Bush can start a “kill the n***ers campaign and see how many convicted felons you can put to death in a year – maybe even break W’s all time record!!!

    You have so much promise. It is being wasted without the anonymity that a white hood would provide you!

  6. “directly parallel” Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Funny, you obviously know nothing about Cynthia McKinney, her career or her personality.

    Was she treated the way she was because she was a black woman, no. She was treated that way because she has made a career of making mountains out of molehills, out of treating people rudely and poorly and getting upset when they protest it, and of using her minority status as a crutch and shield instead of being an inspiration and model to others.

    Maxine Waters is an excellent example of an african american lady who bucks the crowd, yet is civil AND gets results without chicanery. McKinney got her comeuppance plain and simple.

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