Takoma Park, MD City Council to Hold Impeachment Vote – constituents pressure Rep. Van Hollen (D-MD)

(Takoma Park impeachment supporters greet Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD 8th) at 4th of July Parade – photo Michelle Bailey)
For Immediate Release
Info: Lisa Moscatiello (202) 256-1764

On Monday, July 23rd at 7:30 P.M. the Takoma Park, MD City Council will vote on a resolution that calls for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Vice President Cheney and President Bush. If the measure passes, Takoma Park will become the first municipality in the Washington, DC area to pass an impeachment resolution.
Currently eighty towns and cities across the country have passed impeachment resolutions, including Detroit, MI, San Francisco, CA, Chapel Hill, NC, several towns in Vermont and, most recently, West Hollywood, CA. Details and full text of the resolution are on the City’s web site at www.takomaparkmd.gov.
impeach_them.jpg This past April, Takoma Park residents began meeting weekly to discuss ways to advance impeachment on both the national and local level. One of the first events the group held was a forum with State Senator Jamie Raskin to discuss the constitutional principles behind impeachment and the political aspects of the process. The purpose of this event was to help counteract what group member Lisa Moscatiello views as some of the myths surrounding the impeachment process.
“One of the misconceptions is that the measure has no chance of passing, since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared impeachment off limits following the November elections. Since that time, the mood of the country has changed, due to frustration over Congress’ inability to end the war and outrage over the Administration’s refusal to cooperate with Congressional hearings. Congressional offices are now reporting being inundated with calls from constituents. Members are starting to realize that if they are to retain their seats in Congress they need to respond to these calls. There are now thirteen cosponsors to a bill in Congress to impeach Vice President Cheney. Among the cosponsors are Rep. Al Wynn of Maryland and Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia. And the fact that an increasing number of voices calling for impeachment are coming from the right indicates that it is not about party politics. It’s about first principles, that we are a country ruled by laws and not by the whims of individuals.”
The Takoma Park resolution, sponsored by Ward 5 Councilmember Reuben Snipper, calls on the Maryland Congressional delegation to pursue impeachment in Congress and cites the following as grounds for impeaching the President and Vice President:
~ Conspiring to lead the country into war based on false information.

~ Using electronic surveillance against U.S. citizens without warrant, in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

~ Breaching the Federal Torture Act, the Geneva Conventions and the UN Torture Convention

~ Stripping Americans of their constitutional rights by detaining them indefinitely without trial or access to legal counsel

~ Infringing on legislative powers granted solely to Congress in the Constitution, by issuing presidential signing statements that void sections of laws passed by Congress.

The City Council vote on the impeachment resolution will take place on Monday, July 23 rd at 7:30 P.M in the Takoma Park Municipal Building at 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, MD For more information see www.takomaparkmd.gov


  1. August Red Alert!! Plot to overthrow the U.S.A and Constitution

    August 20, the criminals are meeting in Montebello, Quebec to plot the overthrow of the U.S.A and destroy our Constitution.
    Carry signs with Traitor, Impeach, or Treason printed on them.

    Impeach Bush! -North America Union- is Treason! News snuffed, Secret deal!! U.S.A ends 2010.
    Lying King George behind our backs and under the smoke of his own war has given the United States his legacy of Treason.
    The North America Union is being implemented without Congress consent or without any public vote or comment. North America Union replaces our Democratic Republic, United States of America; it will be fully implemented in 2010. When our soldiers come home from war, they will return to North America Union, not the United States of America, how are you going to explain that to them? King George has ruled that the U.S.A be abolished!!
    This is it folks, every American who has ever pledged their Allegiance to the Flag, every American who has pledged to defend the Constitution of the United States of America, has to step forward. Now!
    Demand your elected representatives to control this dictator and to bring him and his conspirators to Justice for Treason.
    Demand your Congress representatives to confirm their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America. Mark any neo-con Republican or Democrat who side with Bush and his North American Union as Traitors and run them out of office!! Now!
    July 4, 2007
    -A Patriot’s Message- The hammer falls on the Constitution of the United States of America. Our freedom and Democracy, our sovereignty as a nation is coming to an end (2010).
    The politically appointed neoconservatives in Justice sneer at Habeas Corpus; Geneva Convention; worker, consumer, investor and environment protection; education; affirmative action; individual rights and “entitlements” like Social Security and health care.
    The corporate neo-con conspirators (Establishment) have their own agenda of a New World Order; W.T.O; N.A.F.T.A; N.A.U; immigration; globalization and “free trade”; military seizure of foreign oil fields; employing a private army of mercenaries and propagandist; “dealing” with Afghanistan Opium drug lords harboring Osama Bin Laden and financing Al Qaeda.
    The ideal corporate model is “Communism” where individual freedom and democracy are mute. The board of directors rule. The corporate neo-cons hate our regulatory government, Constitution and Individual Rights.
    Our Federal Government is purposely bankrupt by war/trade debt and the ideal corporate nation, China, are carrying trillions of dollars of our debt. Communist China and their junior corporate American partner’s technically own the “U.S.A” resulting in “Globalization” and loss of sovereignty. Mission accomplished. The surge strategy is not to win the war but to pump oil and further indebt U.S.A to Communist China. Patriots, sign on! Impeach Bush, Cheney and nullify their Supreme Court appointments!
    Lawrence Baker (your name)
    (Your representatives)
    Sen. Boxer
    Sen. Feinstein
    Rep. Eshoo

    All representatives- We are starting a list. I demand that you reaffirm your allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America and begin impeachment procedure against Bush, Cheney. If you do not, you will be branded a traitor. You’re either with U.S or against U.S.
    Impeaching Bush, Cheney would not only save and cleanse the U.S.A but also bring our citizens together. Once again Americans would have pride and respect for their country. Impeachment of these neo-con criminals would vindicate the U.S.A with the rest of the world.
    If these evil criminals win, they rule with slavery, secrecy, lies, fear, hate, torture, terror and violence.
    Our Founding Fathers knew that this element would always try to destroy the U.S.A that is why we have a Constitution to keep this element in check. After 2010 under N.A.U. rule (after the people find out; neo-con corporate media guilty) there will be violence and war which will play into their hands, evil thrives in that environment.(Mexican Army)
    What about the economy? (shake, shake) our economy is already destroyed, the economy is an inside game. We can compete as Americans, after we purge our government of the traitor politicians; do not let their defeatist strategy scare you. We can do it! All we need is enough courage. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to get it done. DO IT NOW PEACEFULLY!!

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