Conviction of Padilla is Bad News for All Americans, Including Journalists and Protesters

By Dave Lindorff,

With habeas corpus a thing of the past, with arrest and detention without charge permitted, with torture and spying without court oversight all the rage, with prosecutors free to tape conversations between lawyers and their clients, and with the judicial branch now infested by rightwing judges who would have been at home in courtrooms of the Soviet Union or Hitler’s Germany, for all they seem to care about common law tradition, the only real thing holding the line against absolute tyranny in the U.S. has been the jury.

(Original Article)


  1. Yea, I’d like to see those young Bush bitches and Cheney’s little disappointment in Iraq !! As far as that goes I’d like to see Bush and Cheney in Iraq, but in the red zone not the green zone !!

  2. The big question in my mind is how the younger generation will vote in the next election.

    Remember what Dwight D. Eisenhower said about unwarranted influence from the “military-industrial complex”.

    That is who is running the country and that is the same group that intends to run the world.

    Teddy Roosevelt said that Patriotism means standing behind the country, not the President.

    He was also a Republican, as was Eisenhower.

    We have allowed Fascists to take over our Government in a moment of weakness.

    This is how Hitler got started and unless we reinstate the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we will end up with a totalitarian system of government.

    What it is all about is making huge profits on war and death, and making the American public pay for it all.

    I suggest that we reinstate the draft and start with compulsory service for offspring of all government officials, starting at the highest level, with no exemptions.

    Then make the Senators and Congressmen serve as well.

    That would help to end the war in a hurry.

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