Democrats introduce Bush, Cheney, Gonzales censure resolutions in House and Senate

Nick Juliano, Raw Story

Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced resolutions calling for the censure of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Sen. Russ Feingold sponsored two resolutions in his chamber calling for the legislative action against the administration officials because of they misled the country in pursuing war with Iraq and have undermined the rule of law, he said.

“These censure resolutions will let future generations know that Congress stood up to the destructive policies of this administration that have weakened our national security, cost more than 3,600 American lives, and undermined the principles on which our country was founded,” Feingold said in a prepared statement.

Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) introduced companion legislation in the House.

(Original Article)

1 Comment

  1. They think by censuring them it will shutup the people they are supposed to serve. Wrong. It only gets us more angry and we will not stop until they are Impeached.

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