[Video] Washington Impeachment Protest Sept 15, Join Us!

On September 15th 2007 there is a march in Washington to impeach both Bush and Cheney…please try to be there and lend your support for the world!!

If you cannot be there, contact your political head and tell them your not going to take this any longer!!

If you need transportation, visit http://answer.pephost.org to locate a transportation centre nearest you!!

September 15 March on Washington committees are being set up in communities around the country. The http://ImpeachBush.org movement is uniting again with the anti-war movement to demand Impeach Bush, End the War Now! Tens of thousands will descend on Washington DC at the very moment that the national and international media will be focusing on General Petraeus’ report to Congress, which is being issued on September 15.

Iraq war veterans and their families will make up a huge front contingent of the September 15 March on Washington. At the very moment that Congress will be debating the war in mid-September, the people will gather in an historic action demanding that Bush and Cheney be impeached for inciting a war of aggression, authorizing torture and conducting a massive spying program on the American people.

This is a people’s movement. It comes from below, from the grassroots. That is the hallmark of all great movements in history. It is always the people acting, with conviction and resolve, that changes the political equation.

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