[Video] Maine Impeach Bush Rally

“Today 200 People Demanded That Rep. Allen and the U.S. Congress Adhere to the Constitution!

Today I along with 200 others signed a letter which we hand delivered to the staff of Congressman Tom Allen D-Maine letting him know that he has a responsibility and a duty to properly represent the people of Maine. We had the opportunity to have 5 minutes to voice our views. I was near the end and by the time I got there the two women listening to everyone looked like they were deer in headlights!”

1 Comment

  1. I went to the protest in Portland and was one of the people who delivered a signed letter to Tom Allen staff. Was a great day organized well by very dedicated people to the cause of saving our Constitution via IMPEACHMENT.

    Impeach Dick Cheney and George Bush. Enjoyed the sign at the event BUSH BIN LYIN.

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