Kucinich Calls For Impeachment on MSNBC

Rep. Dennis Kucinch called for Democrats to reject any movement toward war with Iran, he went on to call for the impeachment of President Bush.

Kucinich: “Tim, we’re here in Philadelphia, the birthplace of democracy. I want to know when this Democratic Congress is going to stand up for the Constitution and hold the president accountable with Article 2, Section 4 an impeachment act. I think that our democracy is in peril and unless the Democrats and the Congress stand up for the Constitution, we are going to lose our country.”


  1. Bush can get a pardon for conducting his first strike and killing thousands?

    That’s a bit like a fellow killing another and then tells the corpse he’s sorry.

  2. I agee with Kucinich about the impeachment! We also need to charge them with War Crimes, along with others involved. My question is, what will happen if Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of The House becomes President?

    I understand Bush wants to pardon himself, along with others, so it would make it impossible for the to be charged for War Crimes! Can they do that?

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