Kucinich Speaks on Intent to Force Impeachment in November

As reported earlier, Rep. Dennis Kucinich plans on forcing this issue before Thanksgiving.
From Brad Blog — “You know, I introduced House Resolution 333 because I heard from the American people and they said they wanted some response to make Dick Cheney accountable for the statements that he made that took us into a war based on lies. And the statements he made that would take us into a conflict against Iran. Again, more lies.

The President is now openly invoking the specter of World War III with respect to Iran. He ought to be held accountable also. I’m the only member of Congress who stepped forward on the issue of making Dick Cheney accountable. And now we have 21 members who’ve joined me. That’s a step in the right direction. But I’m going to go beyond that. I’m going to call a privileged resolution, at which point, would force a vote — at least if it’s only on a procedural motion — members are going to have to confront this issue of impeachment. They’re not going to escape it. This is a question of defending our Constitution. It really is.”

Original Article


  1. The Progressive party hereby devioids itself from the Democratic party.

    If you are not signed onto this impeachment bill (House Res. 333) I look forward to meeting your elected replacement in November of 2008.

    Act wisely, or get out of the way. Impeachment and War Crimes Tribunals are coming.

  2. Pelosi needs to be removed as Speaker of the House, duct taped, handcuffed and sent back to San Francisco on a one-way ticket.
    Pelosi is covering up the U.S. AttorneyGate case involving the frame-up of former Democratic Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, in which Karl Rove and former Clinton Administration official Lanny Davis orchestrated the appointment of a Bush-Clinton judge to handle Siegelman’s case.

  3. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is not only engaged in the cover up of the overthrow of Albert Gore’s election as President in the year 2000, but she is also covering up the British Intelligence-Russian FSB link not only to 9/11 but the forged British Intelligence dossier, which took America to war in Iraq based on lie.

  4. Comments by Mark: I agree with you 100%. This spineless crew should step down and let Jim Webb and Pete Stark take control. Bush and Cheney should not possess this much power over a country.

  5. Maybe. But Kucinich told us he’d open 9/11 investigative hearings in September. He didn’t. I’ll believe him about this when I see it.

  6. Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of what passes for Congressional leadership have perfected their criminal enterprise. Every act of treachery is followed by lame excuses for inaction. The truly spineless ones, progressives wallowing in denial, foolishly whine, asking each other what is wrong when the answer stares them in the face. The Democratic party is complicit in killing democracy.
    “Civil liberties groups and antiwar groups must finally realize that they can only play a role in movement politics.”
    Activists must keep protesting at her house and working for her defeat in the 2008 congressional elections. They must also cease cooperating with her. The farce must end before it is too late. Pelosi, like Bush, has no loyalty to her constitutionally based responsibilities. She must no longer be treated as though she is a friend when she has proven herself to be an enemy.
    Civil liberties groups and antiwar groups must stop meeting with Pelosi or her staff. They must finally realize that they can only play a role in movement politics. It is said that insanity is defined as repeating the same action over and over yet expecting a different result. Progressives have waged many righteous battles in the last seven years, but they are about to go down in history as insane actors in a badly written play.
    Activists must begin making demands. They must demand impeachment, they must demand that New Orleans be rebuilt, they must demand no further funding for occupation in Iraq or for a new war in Iran. Pelosi and her co-conspirators must be called out as the back stabbers that they are. Only then will democracy have any chance of being restored.

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