Town Council to be sued for saying the word “Impeachment”

Impeach for Peace just got word of a town (Garrett Park, MD) which is being threatened by a lawsuit if their Council even discusses Impeachment of Bush/Cheney. While Impeach for Peace has a digital copy of the lawyers letter threatening the council, we’ve been asked to keep it out of the public record for the time being as options are being explored. Read the email below sent to Impeach for Peace. IfP has forwarded this town’s issue to the National Lawyers Guild, and other impeachment organizations which may be able to assist.
Our town council has been paralyzed by the threat of a lawsuit and has been advised by the town’s attorney to avoid any approach or even discussion of the impeachment issue–resolution, referendum or whatever. And the council members individually have been instructed that they are individually liable if the do not heed these instructions. Maryland law and the town charter, they have been told, would make any such adventure beyond their legitimate powers and thereby actionable. Can you tell me, or tell me whom to ask, what legal basis was there for the Takoma Park impeachment resolution? The two communities operate under the same state law; does the charter specifically empower the Town Council to take such action? Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
Impeach for Peace has also sent them the following information found on’s website:
Argument: Is Impeachment a City Council’s Job?
Most City Council members take an oath of office promising to “protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. They don’t take an oath to fix potholes. If the Constitution is in danger then their primary duty is to defend it. If it is safe, and they have time on their hands, then they can fix potholes. (You might be able to state this more diplomatically.)

Cities and towns routinely send petitions to Congress for all kinds of requests. This is allowed under Clause 3, Rule XII, Section 819, of the Rules of the House of Representatives. This clause is routinely used to accept petitions from cities, and memorials from states, all across America.

Argument: “This is not a local issue!”
1 If a federal action has a significant negative impact on this city, then it is appropriate for this city to defend itself.
2 Citizens from this city may be sent, or have been sent, to Iraq to fight in an illegal and unjustified war.
3 Tax funds from this city that could have been spent locally have been spent in Iraq for war. Tax money from this city has been wasted in no-bid contracts with companies like Halliburton with deep ties to the Bush administration. Yet this city can barely afford the emergency services, libraries, and schools that we need. [ website has more details. ]
4 The state National Guard should be available to protect this city from floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or other disasters. But instead they have been sent to Iraq by President Bush.”


  1. This is just another example of the degeneration of the Fourth Amendment. Will the FBI be knocking at my door because I have logged onto this site? Support our freedom to speak!

  2. What a wonderfull Opportunity, “They” have just made themselves vunerable. This is your chance. Fill the towne meetings, Letters to the papers, This will make more press than if even the resolution passed… Everyone bring cameras, invite all the press you can. As a student of the Art of War, I see Opportunity written all over this. Follow the cases of Adam Kokesh, Liam of IVAW… Tina Richards, and many more that, there is no such thing as bad press, you can make them back down. At worst, (or best)let it go to Court.
    You can rip this thing wide open. This is clearly a First Amendment Issue worth throwing down for. The way you defend Your Rights, is by Using Them. I am contacting my friends in Tacoma Park and elsewhere on this issue . This is a pressure point to be exploited.

    Silence is Complicity and Consent

    Impeachment is not Optional

    NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
    > Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
    > They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
    > have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of
    > the current President

  3. Let them sue! Bring them out into the light and broadcast the whole dam*ed trial on national TV! Go ahead, SUE… Let’s SEE WHAT YOU GOT!!!

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